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Articles by Jonathan Bellamy
The Making Of Us The Making Of Us
Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. Aswell as a contributor to BBC Radio 2, international networks and BBC Breakfast. His new book, The Making Of Us, explores who we become when life doesn't go as planned. [24.09.19]
You, Me And CoffeeYou, Me And Coffee
Dianne Parsons has worked alongside her husband Rob for over 30 years with Care for the Family. In her new book and journal, 'You, Me and Coffee', she explores topics like self esteem, loneliness and her experience with postnatal depression and ME. [17.09.19]
Dealing With The Phenomenon Of Martyrdom
In his new book 'The 21 - a Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs', German novelist, Martin Mosebach recounts his travels to Egypt to meet the families of the 21 murdered men to better understand the faith and culture that shaped their lives. [10.09.19]
The Forerunner CryThe Forerunner Cry
Local leader and minister, Will Porter, who runs the Beacon House of Prayer has written a book all about the end times and the question are we living in the end times. [01.09.19]
The Sacred Art Of JokingThe Sacred Art Of Joking
Jonathan Bellamy spoke with sit-com writer James Cary, about his work, when jokes go wrong, and humour in the Church. [30.07.19]
A Generation RisingA Generation Rising
From 8th-11th July down at Ashburnham Place in Battle, East Sussex, there is an event called Uprising Europe, particularly for young people. To find out more about it Jonathan Bellamy chats to JJ Waters, the director of Uprising Europe. [04.07.19]
Overturning Apartheid In South AfricaOverturning Apartheid In South Africa
In part 2, Jonathan Bellamy speaks with Michael Cassidy about how to take a stand against Governments biblically, his relationship with Nelson Mandela, and how South Africa is doing today. [13.06.19]
Opening Up Wells Of RevivalOpening Up Wells Of Revival
Jonathan Bellamy spoke with Michael Marcel about past revivals in the UK, why we haven't seen a revival in recent history, and what he believes we need to happen to see revival again. [06.06.19]
Overturning Apartheid In South AfricaOverturning Apartheid In South Africa
In part 1, Jonathan Bellamy speaks with Michael Cassidy about growing up in apartheid South Africa, and his stand against racism on a worldwide stage. [04.06.19]
Finding A Job Just Got EasierFinding A Job Just Got Easier
Jonathan Bellamy spoke with managing partner, James Everall. [28.05.19]

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