Nehemiah 1-6 verse 15, Hebrews 12: 1-2

God is in the business of achieving impossible things and using you and me to achieve them. He gives us life experiences, shapes our character and trains us to be that person He can use for His purpose.
Nehemiah was such a man. A man who honored God, committed to the task God had set him and a leader of men. A man God was going to use to do the impossible, to rebuild the walls of a great city, Jerusalem.
Nehemiah wanted to bring God glory by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, to reunite the Jews and restore the reality of God to the people. He saw a need and set about meeting that need. (Nehemiah 1: 3) Have you seen a need that God is asking you to address? Have you decided to respond to that need?
He identified with the brokenness of the people, which was illustrated by the disrepair of the wall. He wept, fasted and prayed, pouring out his heart to God. He praised God, he gave thanks, he repented, he was specific in his prayer requests and he committed himself to the task. He then started to work out how he could do something about it, what resources were at his disposal. (Nehemiah 1: 4-11) Have you prayed and fasted about it?
Nehemiah had a unique job, cup bearer to the king, he was trusted to test the food and drink prepared for the king to ensure it was not poisoned. God had put him in the path of someone who could help him most, the king. He asked for permission to go to Judah and the answer was affirmative. (Nehemiah 2: 7-8) Are you hesitant to ask the right person for help?
Nehemiah assessed the situation quietly, he thoughtfully considered what needed to be done and made a plan, he was a strategic thinker and a realist.(Nehemiah 2: 11-17) Do you thinks things through or jump straight in?
He kept his own counsel until the time was right to announce his plans and share his vision of restoration. (Nehemiah 2: 16)Do you follow God or run ahead of him?
God had put together other people with this heart of restoration who only identified themselves when Nehemiah shared his vision. God used Nehemiah as a catalyst to get the work done. (Nehemiah 2: 17-18). Have you identified your team?
The people from the community rebuilt the wall nearest to their home; they had a stake in the project. They were motivated to see the result, they saw the importance of the work and it was relevant to them. (Nehemiah 3) Does your team know why they do what they do?
There was opposition to the work not just from neighbours but from people in authority, Sanballat was governor of Samaria. Nehemiah prayed for justice. He held onto God's promises and the vision God had given him. God had called him.(Nehemiah 4: 1-5) Are you sure of your calling? How do you respond to criticism and mocking?
Nehemiah combined work with prayer, preparation and planning, a good premise for any task. He had a strategy. When people were tired, he reminded them of their goal and God's protection. He divided the tasks, some worked, some protected. They worked as a team. (Nehemiah 4: 9-23) Do you have a strategy?
The wall was rebuilt in fifty-two days. When Nehemiah's enemies and surrounding nations heard, they were frightened and humiliated. God had been glorified, His will had been done. (Nehemiah 6: 15) Will you persevere, overcome opposition and see God's will done in your life, in your work?
"Let us strip of every weight that slows us down, especially sin that
so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race
that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus,
on whom our faith depends from start to finish." Hebrews 12: 1-2