Philippians 3: 13-14

Recently I scribbled some of the following down for some people and I
thought I'd pitch it out your way? Lists help me in the ageing process
Try these out for size!
- Don't start things in life you aren't willing to finish
- Love
everyone, but be careful with deep trust
- Learn deep faith in
God through all the difficulties of life, faith during good times
means little.
- Read the old dead guys, proverbs and the gospels
a lot.
- Be who you are and nothing more or you will end up being
- Be serious about being devote and holy.
- Listen
- Enjoy the little things of life.
- Measure yourself
by how you treat the least in your world.
- Live in God's Word,
not your opinions or the latest fad.
- It's a sin to bore people
with the Word of God which is the most relevant information in the
- Have accountability & friendship where you can be
'drop dead honest'.
- Find something to do that brings you joy
apart from ministry.
- Realize that truly there is 'no peace no
joy no thrill, like walking in God's will' To live is really all about
this Jesus thing!
- Record all your adventures along the way! Do
the disciplines & journal!
Phillipians 3 says it straight!!
"forgetting what lies behind & straining forward to what lies
"I press on toward the
goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
"But one thing I do:".
As the African proverb states.. "if many little people, in many little
places, do many little things; we can change the face of the earth."
Here's to God's continued revelation & revolution in your
world this year!!
This life file really helps i have just thought of things that stop me from being a serious devoted christian.