Part 3 - Healthy Being Pisseth'ed?

'Take integrity over popularity and you'll always be cool' Carlos Santana
'Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth - for your love is better than wine' Song of Solomon 1:2
The end-time Church is now being called to draw close to the Lord, be intimate and truly know Him with reverence - to be glorious, set apart, holy, and governmental in apostolic power. Jesus said, 'narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.' Matthew 7:14. We must understand God's wisdom for the areas of alcohol and stimulant use in light of the end-time Church and the days we live in.
The scriptures reveal much about alcohol, but today lets look at some modern statistics and facts about what alcohol actually does to you. Cigarette packets contain explicit warnings that they are hazardous to your health, however, you will be hard pressed finding health warnings on alcohol bottles. Yet, both these things can make you sick, and even kill you.
Health problems can come with suprisingly low levels of alcohol consumption, and the consequences of heavy, or binge drinking are devastating. Alcohol can cause heart disease, breast cancer, liver and brain damage, dehydration and pre-mature aging. It can reduce your ability to think clearly and make good judgements. Throw in high blood pressure, stomach and bowel problems, calcium deficiency, and weight problems to boot. Social acceptability is the masquerade that covers the health dangers of alcohol. Alcohol is marketed and connected to living the high life. There are great social pressures to drink, and women are now drinking as much as men. Moderation is not promoted in the world, and binge drinking is rampant.
Alcohol will affect you differently depending on your mood, how much you eat, how much you drink over a certain time, your overall health, your age, your size, or your build. The line of drunkenness and excess is different for everyone. Again, that line can be easily crossed where you are passed caring about how much you have. That is why drink driving continues to kill so many people. The following are some of the affects of letting Alan Cohol sing his liquid song inside of you as you slowly get pisseth'ed! (See King James Bible 1 Samuel 25:22, 1 Kings 14:10, 16:11, 21:21. 2 Kings 9:8, 18:27 and Isaiah 36:12).
You feel relaxed and less inhibited. Slowed reactions and difficulty concentrating. Impaired ability to make sound decisions: slurred speech, mood swings, dizziness, blurred vision, sleepiness, vomiting, dehydration, hangovers, and exacerbation of depression and mental illnesses. If the blood-alcohol content goes beyond a certain level, unconsciousness, coma, or death could follow. Consider the end of these musicians - Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott and Janis Joplin - they all died in their vomit through alcohol and drug abuse. Great stuff! Not!
Alcoholism involves a preoccupation with alcohol, and a difficulty in controlling your intake, along with a propensity to continually over indulge regardless of known consequences to health, careers, relationships, or finances. This is an addiction, and you may need to seek help to overcome the song of Alan Cohol's influence on your life.
If you or someone you know is dependent on alcohol then
Gilead Foundations Christian rehab could help. Please visit their website or call
them on 01837 851240 for more information.