Emily Graves spoke with street artist Micah Purnell

Continued from page 1

Micah: This is 40 graphically produced pieces that I gave myself 40 minutes to produce each for. Normally I'd spend something like between four and 12 hours to produce a poster, so 40 minutes is quite a restriction for me. This was during lent which is 40 days, where people take a break from something and try and remember the important things in life. Stewardship, a UK Charity, promote generous giving and provide an online service where you sign up and they'll send you a little suggestion of how to be generous to your friends; how to be thoughtful of the environment and different ways of being generous. I took this and decided that I should make a piece of work. It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing and just for practise and for fun; but as it developed, what I noticed and what surprised me was the work was half decent, even though I only gave myself 40 minutes. I would upload them to the social networks every day, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter and they seemed to be received very well, which surprised me. People spurred me on and so I kept going.

40 minutes exhibition piece - Malcolm X
40 minutes exhibition piece - Malcolm X

Emily: Did you find it very intensive over the 40 days?

Micah: Yeah, it was tough going after a little while, but at the same time I was enjoying it; just finding 40 minutes in a day. At the same time I'd get messages from people stating how they'd really been spurred on through a difficult time through one of the pieces for example and these sorts of things helped me to continue. I even took a trip to New York; I got my flight and got over there, then pulled out my laptop and carried on. It came with me wherever I went.

I work with writing and during that time I saw the world around me change a little bit and some of the suggestions they made challenged me. I had to put that into a graphic and a sentence. Theirs were maybe 200 words and I put it into eight words. There were things like giving blood; I'd always fancied it, but never really fancied doing it. I made a public declaration and said ok here it is; I'm going to tell you I'm going to give blood and there it is in a public place and so I'm going to have to do it. I managed to fulfil that just this week and the proof of that will be on the exhibition.

Emily: What piece are you pleased with the most?

Micah: A bloke recommended that you would go out without your car; you'd have a car free day. I thought that could be very interesting; you could have a bit of adventure. The work that I produced looks like a film poster with a fifties, maybe sixties type face on it. It makes me think that you could have some fun wandering the streets, smiling at people and having a think, rather than getting in the rat race of driving.

Emily: So if people want to find out more about the exhibition and want to go and see it how can they find out more?

Micah: You can find out more at the Prestwich Life website.

Emily: Do you have your own website too?

Micah: Yes www.micahpurnell.comCR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.