Mal Fletcher comments

Continued from page 1

What does this have to do with a captive woman in Austria? Nothing directly; but it illustrates from a different angle the growing alienation in western society. People of all ages keep to themselves. The young hide behind their games, their elders behind consumerism and other forms of escapism.

Events like Live8 a few years ago served as a powerful reminder of the fact that people today are socially aware; they do have a social conscience.

However, perhaps it is easier to love a 'neighbour' if he's in Africa than if he lives just up the street.

Perhaps we're only willing to really connect with people when we can easily disconnect again at any time, without too much disruption to our lives.

For my part, I have to admit that I know very little about the people who live in the next house to mine. They seem to have a great family life, and they're always very pleasant and friendly in conversation. But I don't really know any more than that - and that's a reflection of my priorities I suppose.

I know people on the other side of the world better than I know these folks who live on my doorstep.

In the end, we can blame our busy lifestyles for a lack of connection. But busyness is not the same as significance. Achieving the latter begins when we love our neighbour - and not just the neighbour on the other side of the world; and not just ''love' in an ethereal sense, but tangibly, with actions.

For now, we can pray for the Austrian woman and her children. The road to recovery will be a very long one indeed, and perhaps outside of a miracle from above they may never be completely free of the terror they've endured.

However, we can also take this as a parable of modern life and resolve within ourselves to do more to connect with those who live and work close by. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.