Tom Brock shares his personal thoughts

Well we have a new President...Not sure how we feel about all that has
gone on. It seems that our media have made sure that he was elected
and I'm not too comfortable with that. He is an inspiring man and he
looks to bring a new hope to the White House which we have not seen
since Reagan.
I am sure that the performance of our
present administration has played a major role in bringing in our new
President. Over all the Republican Party did not deserve the trust of
America and the change across the board proved that. Most everyone
felt that the need for change overshadowed the issues and beliefs of
the candidates. But in truth we cannot deny the overwhelming bias of
the media in all of this and we should all cry out for reform in this
area once and for all.
My real problem is the danger that
is now on the table for the next generation of Americans. The beliefs
of our new President will put millions of unborn Americans at risk.
The Bill that he has promised to sign when he comes into office will
allow for abortion to move to a new level and go unchecked. What will
be the consequence of this? I really don't know, but it concerns me no
Just as an example, when Amy my daughter was pregnant with her first child, the doctor told her that from the results of a test they had taken, it was almost positive that the baby would be born with downs syndrome. They encouraged her to abort the pregnancy. Those of you who have met our Bella know that they were wrong! And we have an amazing little girl in our lives who has brought so much joy to our lives that it brings me to tears to think of life without her. What will she become? What will she add to our nation? If she brings any measure of the joy she has brought to us she could be a world changer!
Who will we lose when the law is changed? What will we lose in our
nation and in the Church? Who will we never meet?
I was
alive when President Kennedy was in office and assassinated. I
remember the feeling when we found out he was gone. It felt like all
hope was lost.
When I was in school, I was a strong supporter of Robert Kennedy. The hope that he brought to us as a then young generation and the belief we would see real change in our nation was amazing. No war, an end of prejudice, a fair and equal opportunity for us all. This was our hope, this was the dream. The day he was shot was one of the darkest days in our history.
The loss of a life that might have changed the face of our nation in so many ways, never got the chance to reach the platform to effect us. Death is a great silencer and I wonder how many voices we will never hear because of their death that will now be allowed in our nation.
We will now enter a time of "change" and it will be as in the past a
time of promises made and broken. Our calling is sure and our agenda
is clear, we need to pray for our leaders and believe that God will
speak to and through them. So pray for our new President, ask God to
guide him in all is ways. And pray for a generation that is not yet
born that they too will have a chance to sing His praise. Psalms 78:6
I completely agree that Mr Obama's abortion policy is terrible and completely against scripture. As Tom Brock says, it would be terrible for millions of potential lives to be cut off before they have even begun. Surely this prompts us to pray for Mr Obama, that he will change his mind on this issue and advise his administration to do the same. Our God is able, and if we stand together and pray believing, God will hear and answer our prayers, and America will see its next generation.