Heather Bellamy spoke with three couples

Continued from page 1

Karen: God

Heather: What is it that you see in the other that's the biggest gift to your life?

Karen: Ian's desire to hear God and become more and more like Him and his desire to be a father like God is what blesses me more than anything else.

Ian: Karen has this amazing zest for life, and a courageous passion for Jesus. I can tend towards depression and grumpiness (just a tad) and she is a real healthy counterbalance to that. She is so tenacious in relationships, and has so many of them in God, that it is almost impossible for me to default to my selfish nature of 'me, on my own, with no interruptions' - I think God did that, I'd be a pretty self-centred person stuck in my own little world sometimes if it wasn't for all the life that just seems to blossom around her and which it's impossible to avoid. Even when I try.

Peter & Barbara
Peter & Barbara

Peter & Barbara

Heather: You have been married for a long time! What do you love most in each other?

Peter & Barbara: Yes we have been married fifty years and one month and 2 days and it doesn't seem a day too much. I suppose that we love the Grace of God we find in each other for in that Grace we are able to forgive and forget, thus keeping up with our first love, yes their have been storms and sometimes tidal waves, but this love affair was for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health till death do us part.

Heather: How has God used you both to help each other over the years? Do you think you've been a good partnership?

Peter & Barbara: Yes we have had a good partnership because we have both had a heart for the whosoever and our house and home have always been open to those who have a need for a helping hand and we both have been addicted to reaching out to people who need love and someone to listen to their hurts and problems.

Heather: If you could give any advice to young people about marriage, what would that be?

Peter & Barbara: Always forgive and forget as soon as possible, kiss and make up, don't let the sun go down on your anger etc. And do not let others into the privacy of your marriage. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.