1 Samuel 9: 17-27

47 years ago this month saw a special moment in pop culture. A 15-year-old Paul met a 16-year-old named John at a church picnic. After strumming a few tunes on a guitar, Paul was asked to join John's band. After trying out names like "The Quarrymen" and the disappointingly overlooked "Johnny and the Moondogs!!" eventually "The Beatles" emerged! Paul McCartney & John Lennon connected & as they say the rest is history.
Was the meeting of Lennon and McCartney a matter of chance?
about the meeting of Samuel and Saul?
God had a lot more in mind
than a load of No. 1 hits when He made sure that the
and the future king's paths would cross.
On the day they met, Saul wasn't thinking big, Saul wasn't looking for his destiny; he was looking for his father's lost donkeys!! 1 Sam 9: 3. Samuel wasn't excited about finding Israel's first king; he thought it was a bad idea! 1 Sam 8: 6. Yet God pointed out Saul and said, "He's the one" 1 Sam 9: 17.
That meeting changed Saul's future,... and the future of the entire nation of Israel. Have you ever had a meeting like that, one that seemed to be random but turned out to be a life-changing, (or maybe year-changing,) event?
Sometimes we sense that a small event could turn into something big--and we try to hide. Maybe our hiding place isn't a load of luggage like Saul's was 1 Sam 10: 22, but a load of friends we're comfortable with, a school or workplace where we fit in and feel important, or a relationship that isn't the greatest (but it's better than being alone, right?).
Saul was probably comfortable with tending donkeys and running errands for his father. He could've had an ordinary, God-honouring life. But that "chance" meeting with Samuel turned out to be the start of something beyond Saul's wildest dreams.
God has a plan for you too. Offer your whole-heartedness to God & let him invade all of your relationships, acquaintances & possibilities for all the eternal consequences they may produce!!
* Will you be ready for what God's planning?
* What "chance"
meetings in my life have turned out to be a big deal?
* What am
I most afraid that God might have in mind for me? Why?
> Connect strongly with God daily & look for those other
> Sometimes God calls unexpected meetings, so
embrace every possibility!!
This is dedicated to an awesome new connection God has blessed my life
with: cheers Andrew.