Proverbs 8: 22-31
While walking to work everyday I pass by a small, unloved cemetery. Around the edge there are lots of trees that are always full of little chirpy birds. When I see and hear them singing in the sunshine it makes me smile and it always seems easier to talk to God about the wonderful things He has done. Prayers seem to flow for everything around me, from the largest tree to the smallest flower. For the stranger passing by and the lady who sits at the desk next to me at work. The world seems a brighter place to be.
God made the earth, and us to live in it. Everything He made He put in its right place. Anything we may need He provides, and all because He loves us.
Take a look around, what wonders of creation can you see. Give thanks to the Father for everything He has made and don't forget yourself!
Before God made the earth He had already made you, your life and what
it would be like. Everything else He made for us, be thankful that God
loves you and made you special.