AIG open first Creation Museum in Kentucky

Answers in Genesis have opened up a brand-new state-of-the-art museum at their headquarters near Hebron, Kentucky just ten minutes drive from Cincinnati Airport. The Creation Museum officially opened on Monday 28th May 2007 a special day in America, known as Memorial Day.
The museum is unique, in that it offers visitors a chance to view the world of science and nature from a different perspective, that of the Bible. The museum shows how scientific evidence is always filtered through the worldviews and prejudices of the observers. This explains why so many people seem to believe that evolution has been proved to be true and the earth has been proved to be millions of years old. In fact, such 'evidences' are merely interpreted through a worldview that has already chosen to reject God. The Creation Museum shows how scientific facts are actually consistent with the biblical account of how the world came to be.
Visitors can see the planetarium, programmed by astrophysicist, Dr Jason Lisle-whose qualifications are from secular, internationally recognised universities. The tour through the museum takes the visitor on a voyage along the so-called 'Seven C's of History' - Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross and Consummation. It declares that God created the universe, but it was corrupted by Adam's sin. God destroyed the first world with a worldwide Flood. He scattered people around the world, by confusing their languages at the Tower of Babel incident. God stepped into history Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life among us, dying on the Cross, to provide forgiveness for our sins, and the destruction of death, that came in with Adam's sin. The seventh C has not happened yet, but the Bible teaches that there will be the consummation of all things at the Second Coming of Jesus.

Demonstrators threatened to disrupt
the opening ceremony. They claim to believe in free speech-but,
obviously, free speech should not be allowed to Christians. In the
event, fewer than expected turned up, compared to the 4000 who wanted
to see the museum on its first day. When one considers the hundreds of
museums throughout the US and in this country that proclaim the
supposed fact of evolution, why are they so bothered about one museum,
which declares the truth of God's word? Is it because they do not like
to be confronted with the reality of God's existence, and the fact
that He created everything, and that therefore they have a case to
answer to Him? Yet, that same Creator took on human form to live and
to die in our place. The Creation Museum is actually all about
declaring Jesus as Lord and Saviour to a sceptical world.
Steve, uses the terms 'micro' and 'macro' evolution. These are probably not such useful terms, as even the 'micro' one appears to mean still onward and upward genetic and organic complexity, which I do not accept has happened (and which AIG agues so well against) and the fossil record neither reveals either. If you or anyone else is a believer in any sort of evolution I would refer you to comments made by me in response to a similar argument over the supposed evolution of bacterial resistance to anti microbials. I hope you might be able to read it, but of course I don't expect you to take it from me. I think you will find, if you carefully read around this subject that there is good reason to believe that ADAPTATION and often the decreasing variation in an organism that goes with adaptation and selection of advantageous traits - is not evolution per se, but simply natural selection. And despite what the BBC and the media think, this is NOT Darwinian evolution at all. No further complexity is being added to the organism.
See 'Creationists Threaten Human Rights?' by Paul Taylor on this site.