Heather Bellamy interviewed Pastor Peter Cunningham of Green Pastures, an organisation that houses homeless people.

Continued from page 1

  • Alcoholic, family back together, set up own plumbing business, now owns his own home.
  • Vicky and friends
    Vicky and friends

  • Two alcoholics male and female, met one another, life back together, married now in Housing Association Accommodation.
  • Abused young man now married with three children nice three bed - roomed house currently setting up his own business.
  • Addict now in rehab for over 18 months, doing well.
  • Addict now in rehab 3 months settling in.
  • 40 stone man with 3 three children given up by Social Services, re-housed twice, father has come to Christ been baptised, ongoing.
  • Worst aggressive alcoholic in town, ASBOW served on him, now housed and clean and tidy, ongoing.
  • Migrant workers abused by agency and landlord, housed, working and content.
  • Migrant worker with family, became ill, assisted with financial problems, now in financial order, all now part of our church family.
  • Migrant worker fell ill looked after her and nursed her in church, recovered, now working and in her own accommodation in Manchester.
  • Substance abuser, free from addiction now working. Sunday School teacher will be married in October.
  • "And there's more"

    Why is it so important for Christians and the Church to help homeless people? Why shouldn't it just be left to the Government?

    As part of preaching the Gospel which we are commissioned to do we cannot escape the fact that the Church has a responsibility to help the marginalized. The Government is failing; we declare from our pulpits week after week that the systems of this world fail. Why does the church have the desire to rely upon failing systems or is it just the Church wants to excuse itself from the problem, are we the priest and the Levite who passed by on the other side. Shouldn't we be the Samaritan that pays the bill and then says "if it costs any more I will pay the price." On the final day Jesus will be looking out for those who are willing to pay the price.

    If you could encourage Christians and the Church in one thing when it comes to homeless people what would it be?

    Putting their hand in their pocket.