Psalm 25:9

Whenever I come to do one of these life files I always end up telling my innermost secrets like, my love of cleaning etc; well this time is no exception.
This one is a big one wait for it -
"I don't like the downward motion!" I can tell by your stunned silence that you are thinking huh? Well let me take you back to somewhere near the years 1979 to 1981, I know some of you weren't even born then but hey I know I'm getting on. I was away with my family at a well known British family holiday resort (won't name names just in case I make some libellous remark) and there was a rollercoaster there, now remember this was before the time of shoulder harnesses etc on roller coasters this was just a bar that came down supposedly onto your lap. So I went on with my sister and going up the first incline everything was fine and then we were about to go down the first descent! As we gained speed I realised that I was beginning to lift up out of the seat and as we got faster the higher I went, until my older sister ended up having to push me back in the seat and hold me in.
Since that event I have disliked all rides especially the ones that have a downward motion in them.
So what does this have to do with God the universe and cheese? Well lets explore the first two and leave cheese happily alone (for today anyway - Edam beware!)
I have found that God has many ways of getting us out of difficult situations, there are references all over the Bible to how God will help us to "rise on wings like eagles" Isaiah 40:30-32. He will pull us out of the water and help us to "walk on water" Matthew 14. But sometimes God takes us "down" into the situations to prove to us that He really is in control.
One of these occasions we can read about in Joshua 3&4 where Joshua and all of Israel cross the Jordan River. The river was in flood for starters not the best time to cross a river with a million or so people but still, this was to prove to Joshua and to Israel that God was with Joshua as he was with Moses (a bit like the red sea incident a few years earlier) the Jordan seemed to be an impassable obstacle for the children of Israel to cross to reach their promise. Sometimes God as He did here takes us DOWN into the obstacle or situation so we can really appreciate the task ahead.
The first question to ask yourself today is this:
is your Jordan River? What thing or situation in your life do you see
as being too big for God and are you prepared to go down into it to
let God step in!
God Moments.
These are times in our lives where if it wasn't for a BUT GOD moment, all would be lost. Joseph had many "but God" Moments and he refers to one in Genesis 50:19-20
But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Joshua needed some But God moments, nobody could measure up to Moses as a leader without them, and nobody could lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land without them. The River Jordan should have been impassable; BUT GOD stopped the flow of water to allow all Israel to see their promise.
The second question is this:
Are you ready for a BUT GOD
moment to allow Him to come in and totally deliver you from the