Tony Loeffler shares one prisoners amazing story

To Rev. Tony Loeffler,
This comes from a man that never thought possible to even fathom I would ever write this kind of letter. I'll start from today, then about my past.
On Mar. 4, 07, everybody was talking about your concert, how good it
was going to be, uplifting and praising the Lord. I was asked by at
least three people if I was going to attend and my answer was no. Well
about 5PM after chow time I started on a tattoo for a guy in the dorm.
The announcement for chapel standby was made. OK, I felt a twinge to
go but fought it till they said line up for chapel. For a reason, and
I have no idea why, I felt I to go. For me this was strange. I've
never been in a church and I've always hated God. But,the biggest
reason of all, I've been a Devil worshiper all my life, under the
guidance of Anton Levay. Why would a thing like a Godly concert be
bothering me to attend? So, putting my tattoo gun down with much
madness from my customer, I went. I was surprised to hear from
somebody almost in my own shoes, yet praising God. I felt I had to
talk to you. The first night I just couldn't find the strength. On
Mar. 5, 07 at 1:30PM again I went to your concert. I couldn't believe
my strong need to talk to you and my desire to accept God into my
life. A God I hated and despised all my life reached me through your
testimony. That night at your next concert at 6PM, I finally asked to
speak to you and since you were busy and I couldn't wait no more
during your last song, I got your bassist attention and he got Rev.
Tom to come and talk with me. After what was a very tense few seconds
as I told him about my beliefs, I asked him if God could forgive me, a
murderer, killer, gang member and worst of all a worshiper of the
Devil himself. He said yes, God can and that second he told me to pray
and confess all my ways. He showed me verses from 1 John and told me
to read 1 John, Luke and Proverbs. (I will) I read him the only thing
I've ever believed in the bible, Psalm 88, which I have tattooed on my
leg. Then again, he prayed for me again. That is when I finally got to
speak to you. Thank you for your time and wherever you head after
this prison, I hope there is another person like me, hopeless, no
agenda, that maybe you and your band of broken people can find and
change another life. Sincerely, WEH
This is only part of a
10 page letter this man sent. At age 2 his father almost killed him
with a severe beating and hid him in a washing machine. He was one of
seven children. His mother rushed him to a hospital and he was taken
from them and sent to foster care in Miami, FL. His mom eventually
divorced his dad and fought to get custody back and after the death of
her mom, which she took pretty hard, started to beat the children.
Several times she tried to do a mass suicide and started to sexually
abuse the children with incest and devil worship.
Previously, when the grandmother was alive, she tried to feed all the
children poison to kill them. A young child he eventually ran away
from home but was found and returned to his mom. He would argue that
he would rather be homeless than live with his mom. Later that night,
after he was returned to his mom, he took a knife and stabbed her. At
eleven years old he was put in a detention center and charged with
aggravated assault and attempted murder. Eventually he was returned to
foster care but found more identity becoming a gang member. At twelve,
he joined the gang, Folks Nation. He sold guns for money, beat people
up, shot people at the age of thirteen and killed an opposing gang
member. He eventually was bounced from foster home to foster home as
his behavior got worse each day. He started to use more and more drugs
to try to remove the pain, but nothing helped. He was in and out of
mental clinics and determined to be Bi-Polar and having a social
disorder. He started to just cut himself to see if he was still alive
to see if he felt anything as he was told he had no feelings and only
did the things he did for entertainment. Eventually, he was
hospitalized from ages 14 to 17. He started shooting heroine at age 17
and by 18 had tried to kill himself 4 times.
One day his
father made contact with him and said he was sorry, that he loved him
and so he believed him only to find out two weeks later that his dad
was molesting his 12, 14, and 17 year old half sisters. So, he
poisoned him with mercury. This was published on "Inside Edition" on
every news channel and every newspaper.
As time went on,
things only continued to get worse........but praise God who raises
the dead. This man has now entered into life through the shed blood of
the lamb. He now worships the living Savior and is not ashamed of the