Isaiah 41:10, Roman 8:32, Deuteronomy 31:6, Philippians 3:14, Exodus 14:15
Kunle Olabode exhorts us to keep moving forwards with confidence, even in the face of Brexit.

'So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10)
Following the outcome of the EU referendum in the United Kingdom, uncertain days lie ahead and it's understandable that that makes many fearful and apprehensive. Questions are now being asked as to what the future holds for the UK, both politically and economically in its relationship with the rest of world and most importantly, other European Union member countries. There has also been a lot of clamour in some quarters, to reverse, or schedule, a new referendum.
As people of God and as a nation that was built on the foundation of biblical principles, it is important for us to hold on to God at this time. It is not a time to begin to trade blames, as we are beginning to see with our politicians. Rather we should accept the decision as God's will for the nation.
Personally, before the referendum, I made up my mind that whatever the outcome, whether we voted to leave, or remain, we should all work together for the good of the nation and its people. (Romans 8:32)
Now that we have decided to leave, here is a specific word of the Lord:
Fear not. Our God is in control!
God speaks with tenderness: Do not fear, for I am with you. Not only within all, but present with you. Are you weak? I will strengthen you. Are you in want of friends? I will help you in the time of need. Are you about to fall? I will uphold you with that right hand which is full of righteousness. It is the worm Jacob; so little, so weak, so despised and trampled on by everybody. The United Kingdom and its people may at this time of transition be likened to worms, in humble thoughts of themselves, and in their enemies' haughty thoughts of them; but the Lord will help United Kingdom, for He is their redeemer. The Lord promised to make Jacob to become a threshing instrument. God will make him fit for use, new and having sharp spikes. This has fulfilment in the triumphs of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and of all the faithful followers of Christ over the power of darkness and hindrances to progress. And while the way to the Promised Land lies through the wilderness, the Lord has promised never to leave or forsake His people. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Apostle Paul urged and invited us to join in the pressing on towards the goal, just as God has called him (Philippians 3:14). The United Kingdom as a nation will therefore continue to look and move forward, not backwards in Jesus mighty name.
However, this forward march is not always easy, as there will often be hindrances along the way. It is possible to fall into the power of inner enemies on our journey with the Lord. These enemies can include stagnation, which means that people stop growing and 'pressing on towards the goal'. A second obstacle is despair, which means that people lose hope, give up, feel all is lost and that there is no point to 'press on towards the goal'. These barriers bring about fears, because of the fear of "what if". However, God's word to us is as it was to Israel, 'Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward'. (Exodus 14:15)
I therefore encourage us to stand strong in our faith and believe that
through the love of Jesus all will be well. Shalom.