Part 3 - Frame the World

'By faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God (given structure) so that the things which are seen were not made of the things that were visible' Hebrews 11:3
God's brush is His mouth. He spoke into being the things that He wanted to manufacture. He created the world a sublime picture, a symphony, an exquisite dance, the sublime ballet, the supreme opera, an image of the invisible - a tangible connection between God's discernible supernatural world and the visual world; and He put it all in a frame. The framework that holds all the art of God together is the paint of His words. Holy letters found in the scripture screenplay of life; words that are our cohesion and cause for understanding truth, framing our own worlds, and centering our own art.
God - Writer and Performer
"I try and apply colors like words shape poems, like notes that shape music" Joan Miro
God is a writer and performer - He loves to perform His word. People love to perform, write, watch, and dissect words. Words hold the world together. Words are art. We all like to be players on some stage. When we live out God's words in our lives we open up great creative possibilities in framing our world.
'Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, keep all My commandments, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you' 1 Kings 6:12.
"I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned his back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments" 1 Samuel 15:11.
When David fled from Saul, he wrote a song, knowing that even in his wilderness and adversity the Lord would perform for him - for David there was always hope. 'I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me' Psalm 57:2.
God - Art Purpose
"The earth was without form and darkness was on the face of the deep" Genesis 1:2. Before God put on his art beret, wet his brush and tuned his strings, the earth was empty with no purpose. Where there is no creativity, life is dull, boring, and empty: life without color, land without rain, monochrome days and faceless nights.
Jesus then got out his blueprints, brushes, color charts, chisels, hammers, design tables, instruments of vision and tone, embodied them all in Himself, wrapped words and sound around them all, and went to work! God the artist went to work with words that framed the world and held it all together. It is the glue that keeps the whole universe from falling apart. God's word will do the same for you.
(Extracts from the book by Stephen Bennett - The Divine
This is an awsome acccount of how stephen relayed the connection between God and Art. Art comes in so many forms. I was looking for some ideas on the word framework which fits very well with a book i am thinking about writing. the book is based on a true story. This article just confirm to me that God is in everything we do, we just have to find an artistic way of getting our message out.