Part 4 - The Inventor

The first thing God created was light (Genesis 1:3), a life giving force of great beauty and the warmest of tones: pure, simple, white, yet, packed with a power beyond imagining. This amazing light has total power over darkness. Darkness cannot remain where light exists. Take that light, focus it, and it has the power to cut through steel. Harness the energy within it, and you can drive the entire earth's biosphere - plants, animals, as well as the water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. Separate it, and you are dazzled with the brilliance of every color in the visible spectrum.
Light is a photographer's main concern. Color is the artist's greatest ally. Light pervades life and sustains it; creating light was God's first great artistic moment. God is Light. Light created light. Great creativity follows a great creator.
God then created land, and embedded it with a myriad of raw materials to create other things for the purposes of growth, expansion and production. Then he created inanimate objects - earth coverings, the clothes of earth! Fashion TV ala creation: grass, trees, and vegetation, designed to order.
Then he made animals, living in the sea, on the earth and in the sky. Living, moving accessories for world clothing! This art came out of the mud that came out of the water, the creative juice that responded to the invisible creative words of faith that framed them. 'By the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water' 2 Peter 3:5.
Then God created the keeper of all His earth clothes and collection of accessories, the House of Adam and Eve.
'Then God said, "Let us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth"' Genesis 1:26.
The keepers of the earth are to dominate the world in a godly way, with God's creative, inventive mind. With global warming and our economic excesses accelerating on the earth we need to take heed of the word of God.
God created out of nothing with His invisible substance - it all belongs to him, the whole palate of life will always ultimately serve his purposes. We must take care of the big and the small. As we minister in the arts we should be producing great creativity consistently as a natural outworking of our relationship with God - expression that will ultimately have its heart in Gods inventive intent.
(Extracts from the book by Stephen Bennett - The Divine