Do you love money? Are you seeking it? Or is it just a means to an end? Tony helps us to look at how we value money in our lives.

God's desire is for us to be in health and to prosper in all things, even as our soul prospers. This thought is taken from the first few verses of the Third Letter of John. It's interesting to note here, that John relates our prosperity and health to the condition of our soul. Our soul is made of our will, mind and emotions so we can see that the choices we make, the way we think, and the way we control our emotional life all are vital components of living financially free. Therefore it is essential that we allow the Word of God to determine our lifestyle and to establish us on principles that are unshakeable.
One of the real keys to living financially free is to live free of the love of money. First Timothy 6:10 says "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." Money though, in itself, is neither good or bad, but it has the ability to attract demon powers so beware. We are commanded to love God and our neighbour as ourselves, not money. Money is here to serve us not to make us servants of it. Here are a few symptoms that, if they are in your life, could indicate that you are living with the love of money.
1. Seeing what money can do rather than what God can do.
Money is
not God. Remember, God is the source of all. If your eyes are more on
the provision than the provider then very soon the lust for finances
will overtake you.
2. Planning your life around financial goals rather than God's
Keeping God's goals as the focus of our lives will keep
money in its right place.
3. Relating success to outward goals and not to inward character qualities.
4. Studying the lives of people who are financially successful rather than people who are sold out to God.
5. Allowing financial cares to prevent you from spending quality time with God.
6. Looking for get rich quick schemes that promise instant results.
God is a builder. He teaches us to build line by line, precept upon precept. We learn to live by Kingdom principles. Remember, God is not primarily in the business of building bank balances, but rather He builds men and women who can handle bank balances.
As we live life, let us do so with giving hearts as well as hearts that are free to receive. Remember, it is more blessed to give than to receive, therefore, it must be blessed to receive otherwise it couldn't be more blessed to give.
Find time to sow seed into good soil as you are preparing your
tomorrows today! We hope and believe with you to prosper as you live
it God's way.
Tony, you prophesied into my life about 11 yrs ago at Word of Life in Aberdeen. I did not understand a word then but today, every single bit of the prophesy is a reality and thats what I'am to this minute. You are a true prophet. am now working back in Kenya and excited with Gods doing in my Life! Should you want me to share the prophesy just let me know and I will be happy to do that.
Pastor, Sammy