Ever wondered about tithing? Even heard of it? Tony unpacks what it is and why it matters.

Previously I shared the three basic principles of giving. Give to vision, give in faith and give cheerfully. As we live with these principles set in our hearts, it is important to know that we are positioned correctly so as to receive the provision God has for us. This is where it is important to fully understand the principle of the tithe.
In Malachi chapter 3 we are told not to rob God with our tithes and offerings. It says that if we do not rob Him then He will silence the devourer. This implies that the devourer is loose on our life to steal our finances and to keep us in lack. The way to stop this is by positioning ourselves under an open heaven, which happens through the giving of the tithe.
Mal 3:10 & 11 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in My house, and try me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground."
Many believe that because they tithe, then they should be blessed financially. This is not totally correct. The tithe positions us in a place from where we can begin to understand and operate in Biblical economics. Tithing will release blessing as Malachi promises, but really it is the doorway into full financial blessing.
Tithing is a divine original placed in man so he would have a constant reminder who is God is. We all tend to tithe to our God. i.e. if Drugs are our God, we will tithe to it. The same is true with sex, sport or entertainment. As Christians we understand that the Tithe is the Lords. As we bring it to Him in worship we are acknowledging that he is our Lord. As heaven acknowledges this, the devourer is silenced and the windows of heaven are opened. From here we begin to give offerings, sow seed and operate the laws of the harvest.
The tithe simply means 10%, first fruits. Abraham tithed 600 years
before the Law was given, the Law embraced it, Jesus confirmed it and
the writer of Hebrews explained it. As we tithe, we declare to
ourselves and heaven, that we worship and serve the only true God.
Giving from this position will provision us, as we learn to live in
the financial laws of the Kingdom.