Sarah J spoke with Cathy & Andy Cowell

Continued from page 1

Healing The Sick And Feeding The Poor In Africa

Sarah J: Quite a heart wrenching situation. What other things did you get up to while you were there?

Andy: We were at this beach that we'd been to before. They show the Jesus video, a shortened version and they do it in Makua language and show it all to the people. We were just standing there watching this widow. Afterwards people were told to put their hands up if they want healing; so all these people put their hands up who want healing. They then said western people will come around and pray for your healing.

Cathy: Which kind of made me panic slightly, because there was this sort of expectation that we would pray and people would get healed. I remember standing there and saying, Lord you're going to have to come and do stuff because - well obviously it's only God who can heal; but I suspect I'm like a lot of Christians in that I do believe that God can heal, but I haven't seen it happen very often. The first guy that we went to was very obviously blind in one eye and I thought, oh no; this kind of feels like 'A Level' healing, or maybe even post-graduate. A headache might have been a better place to start, was my feeling. We prayed for this guy and after a while I'm looking at him and I'm thinking, his eye looks the same as the other one now; but because he didn't react, I kind of thought well maybe nothing's happened, so we carried on praying and then he wandered off.

Andy: I got a sense that something was happening. I could feel God's power moving through her; the power moving through this guy, but course he didn't say anything; so we went on and went on to pray for other people. There was this woman there with this hand that was all snarled up, fingers sticking out. As we were praying holding her hand, I get this feeling that God was moving through her hand. I motioned to her to curl her fingers. She started curling her fingers and her fingers started curling and started moving them and they were all back - all fixed.

Sarah J: So that was something you could tangibly see and you could test it out; but you still didn't know about the guy who was blind?

Andy: Just as we were finishing praying for her, suddenly there's a guy on the stage - a blind man's come up and he says he can see. Jesus has healed him and this guy was a Muslim and we just sort of said that's our guy!

Sarah J: You've said that you've seen in the UK a few incidences where you've seen the power of God show up and people get healed, but this was like post-graduate stuff for you.

Healing The Sick And Feeding The Poor In Africa

Andy: We weren't the only ones. There were other guys there going around there saying these people are getting healed. There was a whole team that would have a story of someone getting healed. It was like God just showed up through everybody there.

Cathy: That was an amazing moment when this guy said this man says that he was completely blind in his left eye and had a lot of pain and now the pains gone and now he could see. It was funny, because when I thought back I thought actually see his eye was better, because it was completely milky white when we started praying and by the time we'd finished it looked exactly like the other one.

Andy: When our mates called us over, this guy was partially deaf in one ear; again we prayed for him, thought nothing had happened and then there was a sense about this guy. I walked back and I grabbed one of our guys standing there who spoke Makua and I asked him and he said oh it's fine.

Cathy: I think actually probably more healing happened than you knew about. You would imagine, you know like in the story in the New Testament where the guy gets healed and he's leaping about. That really didn't happen. People were very unresponsive really. They were various theories about why that might be; one of which was that, if you go to a witch doctor and you get healed, then you pay more; so possibly it's not regarded as a sensible thing to do.

Sarah J: Just in case you get charged.

Cathy: Yes.

Sarah J: I'm guessing that Heidi Baker and team don't charge anyone when they're healed?