2 Chronicles 20
Have you noticed that more and more people around us appear to have a
lot of problems? I know for me, the general office conversation is
often around:
"Well I don't know what I'm going to do
about all this work, I just can't cope I'm so busy?"
Or "ooh do you know what happened to me last night, I am so worried about.."
We always seem to think that we are having a tough time and everything is going wrong and there is nothing that we can do about it! Well maybe there isn't? What we all seem to forget, is that there IS someone much greater than us that would love to help us out, if only we would just asked Him! Unfortunately though it seems that at the times we feel most desperate He's the last thing on our minds.
What a shame we couldn't all be like Jehoshaphat and his followers. You might say he had a few problems! In Chronicles 20 he was sent a message that a large army was coming against him from many tribes the Moabites, Ammonites accompanied by the Meunites.
So what would we have done? I think maybe I would be panicking and
breaking out in large cold sweats and looking for a place to hide, but
oh no, not Jehoshaphat! Though he was scared he didn't run and hide,
he PRAYED to the Lord. Not only him but all his followers also. They
knew that God could help them, as He had done so before with His
people. Jehoshaphat prayed,
"We don't know what to do,". (verse
Wow, simple words, yet to effective! Why don't we ever believe and ask?
And the outcome of this faithful prayer, the Lord told them:
"Don't be afraid, don't waver. March out boldly tomorrow. GOD is
with you." (verse 17)
At this Jehoshaphat and all his followers knelt down worshipping God.
They went into battle singing praises to the Lord, and as they did God set ambushes against the men that came against him and all were killed. God had given them joyful relief from their enemies and so they returned to Jerusalem praising the Lord. (verses 21 & 22)
Amazing what a prayer can do for you, when you have faith and are focused on God! This begs the question, why is the Lord so often our last port of call, when we know what He can and would like to do for us. If He can help out Jehoshaphat with his many enemies, be sure that He can help you out with yours.
So let's turn to God in our times of trouble, knowing by faith and
prayer and praise He will save us!