1 Peter 2: 2-3

The other day my wife and I were sorting out some old clothes belonging to my daughter and son, we had around 10 to 12 bin liners full, all of which we went through just to have a look at all the clothes that they couldn't fit into any more.
A lot of the clothes we gave away to friends or charity and a few we saved because of the memories we have of them.
We also have their first ever shoes (the ones that they started to learn to walk in). Around the age of one our daughter scribbled all over one of the shoes whilst wearing them and it's still on there.
4 years later can you imagine what it would be like if we were still trying to put her feet into the same shoes, we would get prosecuted for child abuse or something. Children grow up so fast and they need clothes so often that they have a complete wardrobe almost every 6 months. Whilst they are maturing their growth is amazing. The Bible refers to new Christians as babies.
'Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.' 1 Peter 2: 2-3
If we are like new babies when we first become Christians, then that gives us the idea that we need to grow up. Part of growing up, is growing out of our old clothes and putting on bigger ones to grow into.
'But Samuel was ministering before the LORD -a boy wearing a linen ephod. Each year his mother made him a little robe.' 1 Samuel 2: 18-19
I love this idea of Hannah bringing a bigger robe each year for
Samuel, it gives me the thought that God wants us to take off the
things that He gave us in the past and begin to grow into the new
things that He has for us.
This year was my daughters first year
in school, and last summer we bought her first school uniform, now she
has pretty much grown out of it. If we are growing in our walk with
God then we should be outgrowing the things that He gave us to do.
Why don't you sit back and reflect on the last year; maybe just like
Hannah did with Samuel, God wants you to take off the old robe that is
too small and restrictive, and put you in a bigger robe where there is
room for you to grow and room for God to grow in you.