El McMeen takes a light-hearted look

I'm always passionate and serious about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God promises both everlasting life and a transformed life while we are on this earth. How awesome is that!
I am, however, in recovery mode from my recent book. That book, which I co-wrote with my friend Steve Baughman, is called Objection! Overruled! (Or, Two Lawyers Have a Little "Chat" about God and Hell).
My mind has been in strange places recently. For example, I have been musing about what a Bible College established by Jesus might have looked like. Faculty would include, of course, the 11 (Judas Iscariot having been denied tenure). But there would be others and a most interesting lot indeed! Each member would have an advanced degree, but not of the usual sort.
I've jotted down some names and the courses they might have taught and you should feel free to add some of your own, since this process can be quite addictive (in a good way-maybe):
Professor Lazarus
Course Taught: "Beyond the Near-Death
Professor Martha
Course Taught: "Event Planning and Jesus: The
Better Way"
Professor Criminal on the Cross
Course Taught: "The One-Minute
Manager: Getting Saved in a Minute"
Professor Gadarene
Course Taught: "Developing Your One-Sentence Testimony"
("I was whacked; Jesus delivered me; I believe!)"
Professor Widow from Nain
Course Taught: "Let Jesus Fix Your
Professor Woman Who Wiped Jesus's Feet with Her Hair
Taught: "Professional Growth: From the Oldest Profession to Jesus, via
the Discipline of Cosmetology"
Professor Woman at the Well
Course Taught: "Repentance and
Marriage Counseling"
Professor Man Blind from Birth
Courses Taught: "Healing 101: A
Study of Selected Techniques, Concentrating on the Saliva and Dirt
"Healing 102: Anger Management: Dealing with Those
Who Are Angry with You for Being Healed"
Professor Woman Caught in Adultery
Course Taught: "Gender Issues
and Repentance (Or, How Come the Guy Wasn't Dragged in, Too?)"
Professor Mary, Mother of Jesus:
Course Taught: "The Virgin
Birth: A One-Time Offer!"
Professor Zacchaeus
Course Taught: "An Economic Model of
Repentance: Thievery + Repentance + Giving Half of Everything to the
Poor + Fourfold Repayment = the Kingdom of God"
OK, I repent (but it was fun!).