Steve Kohagen looks at what we value

The New Year 2007 is well under way, the Yuletide decorations have been packed away, and the novelty of gifts opened from beneath the tree already passed. Many a present has been exchanged, returned, or set aside for re-gifting on another occasion. Scuttling the 75 percent off Christmas sales racks, displays of Valentine's Day hearts, candy, and cards seduce us into yet another spending spree. All too soon, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Birthdays, Anniversary's and Graduations will continue the relentless parade of consumer driven celebrations requiring the purchase of yet another obligatory token.
Clever commercials often expound the virtues of gifts that "keep on giving", "tell her you'd marry her all over again", and "make him feel like a REAL man". We have bought into the deception that big, shiny and expensive translates into "I love You", or even more sadly, 'I Love ME". We feel guilty for failing to find the perfect present, yet the common courtesy of a Thank You note for the reception of said offering has become almost non-existent.
More valuable, more lasting, and more precious than presents is the PRESENCE of God in our lives. When we allow the supernatural to invade our natural daily routine, we are able to receive that which has eternal value and affect. It is a "fearful (wonderful) thing" (Hebrews 10:31) to fall into the hands of the Living God, One who empowers us by the very nature of His being present in all places at all times.
In the Old Testament of the Big Book, God's Presence was often
manifested in powerful and miraculous ways - Burning bushes, clouds of
glory, pillars of fire, whirlwinds, lightning and thunder, and Angelic
visitations that humbled and frightened the saints of old. The man
Jesus then came to demonstrate God's practical Presence among men in
human form - along with dramatic supernatural signs and wonders - and
also in tenderness, healing, and love. Following His crucifixion,
death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, Jesus then sent the
Holy Spirit to not only dwell among us, but IN us. Many "presents", or
"gifts", of the Spirit are described in the New Testament (Acts 2, 1
Corinthians 12, 1 Peter 4) as the early believers began to walk in
their new faith.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all
invite us into their Presence not only to receive spiritual presents
that enable us to successfully live as Christians, but more
importantly to share the Love that they within themselves embody. The
Bridegroom Jesus Christ beckons His Beloved Bride (that's you and me!)
to come away with Him (Song of Solomon 2:10-13), revel in His
affection, and discover an intimacy that will last not only a lifetime
- but through eternity! Now THERE'S a gift that keeps on giving!