Joshua 21:45

Why is it that when we make a promise to someone, that everything seams to try and make us break it! You can mean it with the best intentions but it takes grit and determination to fulfil the promise. I have made hundreds even thousands of promises over my life and I have no idea about how many I have kept or how many I have broken, but one thing I do know is; that whenever I haven't kept a promise it's not helped me or the other people involved.
These promises can vary in degree from being home from work on time to eat dinner with your family to tidying your bedroom when your parents ask you or even your wedding vows...
I am thankful for all those people who have kept their promises to me, but am indebted to God because He cannot break His promises. Since before time began God set in mind that His word was true and that He couldn't go against His word.
'Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.' Joshua 21:45
God will keep his promise; He has promised protection, forgiveness, love and a future.
Why is it important as Christians to keep our promises?
As Jesus' ambassadors on earth we need to honour the fact that He will always keep His promise and begin to live up to the reputation that Christians keep their promises, because if God decided not to keep His...we'd be in trouble.
So here are 2 important things that as Christians we need to remember:
- It's a promise not only to others but to God.
- How can people trust in a God they can't see when they can't trust a Christian they can see...