Matthew 11: 25-30, Psalm 4
Why does everyone else seem to be living a carefree life except me?
Over the past few weeks I have felt myself becoming heavy with my burdens. Nothing seems to be going my way. Problems with relatives, problems at home, disasters at work and then my car breaks down! Getting to sleep at night has become a joke! I just can't seem to take my mind off all my worries at the end of the day.
I was sitting alone in my room wondering what else could possibly go wrong when I realised that I had become so focused on all my problems I had totally forgotten to talk to God or even read my Bible for any direction, so I decided to look for help.
I was drawn to Matthew 11: 25-30
I feel so often there is no one to talk to, and that I shouldn't burden others with my worries. They are my problems I should deal with them. I forget that God calls us to Him. That He knows everything about us, all that happens in our lives and would like to talk it through with us. It's so obvious He would be the best person to give advice. Also, as our Father He is so willing and ready to listen and share our burdens if only we'd give Him the chance. He says:
"Come to me all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest, I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for the rest of your lives."
So why do we so often forget the One who knows about our problems, wants to listen to our worries and help us work through them?
Since reading this I have decided to make time to talk to God and thank Him for His help and as well as off loading, I try to praise Him for all the great things He has done and already helped me with.
He is my rock, and on Him we should stand firm.
Why not try reading Psalm 4 before sleeping tonight and know that the
Lord listens always and will keep you safe.