Heb 12 v 1,2 and 1 Cor 9 v 24-27

If there's something that gets me excited it's the thought of running a race - the very thought sets my heart pounding !!
When I was a boy I loved to run - school races, road races and for exercise I'm not sure whether it was the thrill of competing or pushing my body to see what I could achieve. It felt right for me to do it, like it was part of who I was. I stopped when I was 12 because of a slight problem with my knee.
More than actually running a race or watching one on TV, it's the thought of it that excites me and even greater that that is the thought that my life is like a race - ready to be ran well. At various times over the past few years God has stirred my passion by speaking to me about making the absolute most of my life - running my race well and being a winner. These two scriptures get me goin'
Visualise the scene in Hebrews 12 v 1, I see a stadium of the greatest heroes of faith including Jesus ,all on their feet cheering like mad, like fans at the Olympics 100 metres final, shouting "go on run it, you can do it, we believe in you, go for it! (I see Jesus especially, he's the coach at the sideline who never gives up on me always wanting to see me succeed). I think about this picture regarding my life, but the author of Hebrews is writing to say to anyone bold enough to follow Christ, "live this opportunity that you have called life and live it fantastically well". Paul says in 1 Cor. 9 v 24 run your race like you're running to win because this isn't just for a gold medal this is for an imperishable crown. I hope you're stirred like I am. But thinking about winning isn't enough, these writers give us a few keys how to do it:-
- I'm determined, focused and disciplined (1 Cor 9 v 26,27) (classic
attributes of an athlete).
- I'm going to drop doing those things
which prevent me from knowing God - this will be endurance (Heb 12 v
- focus on Jesus who started this race and will help me
finish it (Heb 12 v 2). World class athletes train for 4 years for
that one chance to win the olympic event, they train hard but they
become champions.
Make the most of your life, work hard - Run your race well!