Paul Calvert found out more about Shevet Achim

Continued from page 2

Paul: What do the doctor's think about this? You're a believer in Jesus and you're doing this for the love of Jesus.

Jonathan: They are willing to work alongside of us; there is nothing hidden, everything is completely transparent about who we are and why we are here and what we are doing. The bottom line is loving your neighbour as you love yourself, serving these families and helping the doctors to care about their neighbours, it's hard to argue against it.

Paul: How do you fund the work that you do here?

Jonathan: A lot of partnerships, a lot of the doctors raise funds themselves, they are that committed. Sometimes in Northern Iraq for example there is a non governmental group that contributes some of the funds and finds some of the kids. Different organisations would like to be involved so we raise our part because the hospitals give us a rock bottom price and we have these partners. A couple of thousand dollars we could use to get a child here and see their life saved. Our website profiles the kids and shows how much they need and gives an opportunity for people who would like to join in making this thing possible.

Paul: So about $2000 saves a child's life?

Jonathan: Yes.

Paul: Do you have many volunteers working with you?

Jonathan: We do, we have a good group coming from many countries. We have a lot of Americans, a good number of British, German, Australian, New Zealand, Singapore but we would like to see some more countries represented here. It's a house of prayer for all nations.

Paul: How many lives have been saved so far?

Jonathan: We are not keeping count. It's been long felt that as David was told not to count the people of Israel we're not going to count or proclaim large numbers. We're just one child at a time.

Paul: You have a website with many different stories there and also children who need help at the moment. If people would like to know more what's your website?

Jonathan: The website address is www.shevet.orgCR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.