Matthew 6:19-20

'Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-20
I helped disciple Ben when he was a student in my church. Recently he came to me and reminded me of something I'd said to him when he was an undergraduate, 'Right now is the time to invest time reading your Bible and getting alone with God. You'll never have as much free time as you do right now. Don't waste it'. Ben told me he didn't believe me at the time and yet now that he's a newly qualified teacher and a newly married husband, he confesses he wishes he'd listened.
These days with the busy routine of life, time is probably the most precious commodity that we have. Most of my friends have very busy schedules and trying to get time with them can be an intricate ballet of co-ordinating electronic diaries.
I wonder whether how we spend our time is as much an indicator of the intentions of our heart as how we spend our money. Jesus suggested to his followers that they should invest their money not on earthly treasures that are here today but destined to rot. Instead he talked about eternal investment.
So how do you spend your time? Do you fritter it away on earthly things or do you invest it wisely in activities that have eternal consequences? Do you spend any time in your week investing in your relationship with God or are you finding that you're too busy to pray and read the Bible?
Do you ever wish that your life could make more of an impact? That the things you do would be more spiritually effective? Things won't change until you make some decisions to change things and sometimes it's only small steps that make the difference.
There is a thief at work and he wants to steal your time. He knows if he steals your time then he destroys your impact on the world around you. Is he succeeding?
We all have the same 24 hours every day and though we need time to
work, to sleep and to have some fun, there's a balance to be found
that will liberate you to be used by God and make a difference. Today
make a choice to be diligent about how you spend your time. Your time
choices say as much about you as your money choices. Store up eternal