Stephen Bennett considers the signs of the times

Everyday in the news media we see the instability of the world financial system as it teeters on the edge of meltdown. Millions of people are losing their homes, savings, superannuation, and security. Banks are closing down and being bought by bigger banks; people are withdrawing all their cash fearing they will lose it. Fear of the future is everywhere. Why is this all happening in such a technologically advanced world? Is there more to it than meets the eye? People everywhere are asking questions.
What we see happening in the global economy is one of the signs of the end of the world before Christ's return as written and prophesied in the Bible. The chronic world financial woes are the worsening symptoms of a flawed human system in a spiritually fallen world. Many believe that these economic problems will just blow over like in the past, and just go back to what it was and continue on. However the scriptures are very clear that the world system as we know it will come to an end, and quickly (Revelations 18). Many Christians today don't even want to consider an end, as it is negative and does not fit into the theology of ever increasing success and ease. Christians must have a clear understanding of the end, and that there actually is an end - if we are to endure the immense pressures that will be on this generation before Jesus Christ returns to earth.
The disciples of Jesus came to Him and asked about the end. 'The disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the age?" Matthew 24:3. Jesus spoke of many signs and one of them is the great distress and trouble that will be on the planet before He comes back. Many believers know we are at the end, but most don't want to really believe it, even though they may agree that the sign's of the end are here now.
Twenty years ago, regular preaching on the end-times was common place, but since that era, the world has escalated at an unprecedented rate. Knowledge, technology, and the pursuit of the unending levels of success and material gain have changed people's priorities and the world we live in - now this is all being greatly challenged. The image of much of the modern day Church does not consider the complete finality of the end, or focus on the end as much as it used to, hence today most of the new generation of young Christians don't really want to consider an end of things. After all, it is negative and doomsday; many just want to stay bright, positive, party, be successful, or famous, and get wealthy, for that is where the good life is.
In many churches being successful has often been the more prevalent promoted message in these end days, however, although prospering and succeeding is important to life, it is not by far the full picture of Christianity. The world is being shaken up in many ways, Jesus exhorts all Christians to be absolutely ready for the end, and gives clear scriptures to know what to expect, for there will be incredible pressures to endure at a level that humanity has not seen in all history. In 2008 these times are now upon us.
Now is the time that the world needs to hear the real answers to life, that will bring humanity and all its suffering to the truth of Christ. 'For the things concerning Me have an end' Luke 22:37. "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world (ages)" Amen' Matthew 28:20. 'So it will be at the end of the world (age). The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just' Matthew 13:49. What is your priority today?
Extract article from the new book by Stephen Bennett - 'The End -
He who endures shall be saved'