John 14

What would you give for just a day with Jesus?
I mean, if you could literally spend a day with Jesus in the flesh - what would you give, what would you do? Would you sell your house, car, empty your savings, or cash in on some investments? Would you quit your job and leave town?
The Bible records some pretty amazing decisions on the part of those who chose to follow Jesus and I think I know how most would answer this question in principle, but it's actually kind of a trick question.
In John chapter 14 Jesus knows he is about to leave His disciples and is preparing them for his departure. He even tells them it's better that He goes. I can almost imagine what was going through the disciples minds and the bewilderment that captured their thoughts. Jesus says something in verse 16 and 17 that makes my question seem less appealing or at least less important.
'I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.'
Another Helper? One that will be with us forever, one the world cannot see but we can because He will abide with us and be in us? Wow! This is who is coming in place of Jesus, for the rest of our time on earth?
In the Greek the word "another" in this context isn't meaning something different but it's meaning something of the same kind. The word Helper - paracletos - means one called alongside to help; or comforter, advocate, intercessor. This is who the Father sent to be with us and to live in us.
Maybe my question would be better put - would you rather spend a day with Jesus or a lifetime with the Holy Spirit living in you as your helper, advocate, comforter and intercessor?
This isn't to belittle Jesus, His life or the power of His name, but it's to magnify and personalise all that Jesus has done and all that Jesus is. He left so that the presence of the Holy Spirit can live in you, everyday, all day.
That, simply put, is amazing. The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, lives in us, through us and has been sent to help, comfort, advocate and intercede on our behalf.
The more I think about the presence, purpose, power and person of the Holy Spirit, the more I am overwhelmed by the God I serve and that He's done all this for one very powerful reason. He is Love.
Let me leave you with another question. What will you do with a
lifetime of the Holy Spirit within?