Chris Mountford chats to actor John Rhys Davies about his latest movie.

Chris: You may have come across the actor John Rhys Davies in
films like Lord of the Rings. He played Gimli in the Trilogy. The
veteran also featured in the Indiana Jones films. He's also provided
voices to characters in Disney films and even Sponge Bob Square Pants.
His latest project sees him in an animated version of the classic
adventure Pilgrim's Progress. I spoke to John recently and he told me
he's still busy working on many different projects.
John: Oh, yes. Yes, I am. I've done about 2 or 3 little independent
films this year. I have my own project and my own studio that I'm
trying to set up. And I'm half way through one of three films that
will be shot in England and I'm here in Malta at the moment doing
Terence Malik's new picture. There's a film to do in Michigan before I
depart for New Zealand.
Chris: New Zealand of
course is where Lord of the Rings was shot and famously you played the
key role in that, portraying Gimli.
John: Well,
I'm the most attractive dwarf and possibly the best-known Scottish
dwarf of all, I have to say. He's a great character; I love him.
Chris: Of course, that started life as a novel and
one of your latest projects started in a similar way, Pilgrim's
Progress. You are the voice of the Evangelist, one of the characters
in the film, so tell me a bit about that, John, if you would. What
drew you to the role?
John: I remember reading
Pilgrim's Progress when I was very young. I'd forgotten a bit about
it. You understand that probably after Shakespeare and the King James
Bible, Pilgrim's Progress may be the most read book in the English
language, though I suspect that Tolkien might be up there rivalling
him now. But certainly for a couple of hundred years at least
everybody who read English read the Pilgrim's Progress. It's rather
odd that it should have gone out of our ken, as it were. But it's
marvellous to do. It's an animated version; animation has its
drawbacks but it does bring people into a story that they may not have
heard before and seen before and then it may well send them back to
the original.
Chris: Mmm, as you say, the book
isn't perhaps as popular as it once was. Tell me about the story and
its author, John Bunyan.
John: Bunyan himself was
a remarkable man, he was a Bedford man. Bedford was ordered to supply
men for Cromwell's army and off he went to war and did the wild things
that soldiers did. Then he came back and got attracted to the
Non-conformist ministry and he became a preacher. Then there was a
point where the law basically said you had to be licensed and only the
Church of England could be licensed to preach. He refused to stop and
he could have got out by simply saying I won't preach anymore and he
kept saying no. His three months ended up as twelve years in prison.
He became a well-known evangelist in his own way. He loved telling a
simple allegorical story and he found those allegories in the parables
that Jesus taught in the bible and Pilgrim's Progress is a wonderful
adventure story.
Chris: What do you make of the
finished animation of Pilgrim's Progress?
John: I
found myself enchanted by it very quickly. It's an endearing piece and
I'm proud to have been in it.
Chris: The veteran
actor John Rhys Davies is my guest at the moment and he features in a
new, animated version of the classic adventure story Pilgrim's
Progress. John you mentioned a few moments ago the fact that Pilgrim's
progress was written by John Bunyan. He had a very strong Christian
faith. I also notice that you voiced two or three translations of the
New Testament as well as a feature about the King James Bible. Do you
have a Christian faith yourself?
John: I have a
deep respect for Christianity in particular. It is an extraordinary
faith, unquestionably beneficial. Naturally, as all of us do, I went
through the atheist stage and the agnostic stage and I've come to a
conviction of the certainty of the existence of God, simply because of
my interest in science. If you have enough space and enough time, not
only is everything possible but everything becomes probable. In our
universe alone it seems we have 2 to 4 billion stars in our galaxy and
they may be 2 to 4 billion galaxies and the number of possible
universes is 10 to the 10,000th power. Aquinas says God is that than
which nothing is greater. What he is trying to do is indicate that
there is something that has generated these huge numbers. One of the
legitimate questions is to ask why should anything exist? I think that
is a legitimate question that cannot be answered by science and yet I
think it is. I am obliged to conclude God is a racing certainty. The
debate really has to be the nature of God
Chris: Sure. We don't often hear about faith and religious
belief from famous people. Not everyone speaks out in the way that
you're known to. Do you think it's important to speak about your own
John: I think one of the glories of
Western civilisation is our right of freedom of speech. The origin of
that, freedom of speech, comes from freedom of conscience and that
developed in the second century A.D. when those who were Christians
thought I have the right to believe and speak what I believe to be
true, despite what the emperor adjures me to believe and to speak.
We've got to keep that alive. A man may tell me something that I find
abominable but my response must be to argue with him and to meet it on
the grounds of language and intellect and be prepared to be changed by
listening if his points are good. We must celebrate that and we must
protect it. We mustn't be afraid of putting our heads above the
parapet unless, of course, we are malevolently and maliciously
maligning other people. That's hate speak and freedom of speech is not
about hate speak; freedom of speech must be to consider all things
fairly and intellectually and morally, I suppose.
Chris: I think it's dangerous if we are in a situation where
we hear something we don't like and get offended too easily. It leads
to the point at which the conversation is shut down and that's no good
at all.
John: I am a Brexiteer for example; there
are good arguments for Brexit. There are also good arguments for
remaining. That doesn't make me any less of a Brexiteer but I cannot,
I must not regard everyone who opposes Brexit as the enemy, the
villain of the piece. I do think there are very strong arguments to be
made about the conduct of our political process but in the end we have
to learn to live with each other and talk to each other and find our
way in a new world together.
Chris: And whatever
happens with Brexit that will need to happen in our
John: And it can do. In the end, when we
see the man is down we stop kicking and we say come on, that's enough
now. And that's British and I'm rather proud of that. I meant it
metaphorically of course, boys and girls.
Chris: John, thank you.
John: And to
all your listeners think, argue, debate, oppose, healthy controversy.
In dispute sometimes there is clarity. I love it. God bless.