Open Doors reports

A Turkish court has charged two more men for instigating the murder of three Christians in Malatya in 2007 - a former volunteer worker at the Christian publishing house where they were killed, and an ex-journalist suspected of ties to a group that tried to engineer a political coup. The arrests add growing evidence to the belief that the murders resulted not just from five troubled youths incited by religious or nationalist anger, but from a larger plan to create chaos in the country and kill specific people.
A judge ordered the arrest of former journalist Varol Bulent Aral, 32, on Feb. 4 on suspicion of instigating the murder. The Malatya court had ordered Aral multiple times to testify about his role in the killings, but he did not appear until last October after being arrested for other charges. Plaintiff attorneys representing family members of the murder victims believe Aral incited the suspected ringleader of the attacks to murder by convincing him foreign missionaries were connected to the Kurdistan Worker's Party, a domestic outlawed terrorist organization.
Aral has been connected to Ergenekon, an ultranationalist cabal of retired generals, politicians, journalists and mafia members under investigation for conspiracy in various murders. Over 100 people have been detained in connection with the network since July 2008. A total of nine men have been charged with the murders. Seven of them are in jail; Mehmet Gokce and Kursat Kocadag have not been detained.
Former Zirve Volunteer Indicted
Huseyin Yelki, 34, a Turk who has worked for Christian organizations, was arrested on Monday (Feb. 9) after suspected ringleader Emre Gunaydin implicated him for instigation of murder in testimony to a public prosecutor.
Yelki said that he had only ever met Gunaydin once, that he never saw the men again and that he could not remember their faces. In a statement to police, Yelki said that Gunaydin had completely fabricated their relationship, and that he (Yelki) did not believe Christianity and missionary activity were harmful to Turkey. But plaintiff attorneys said they believe that there is good reason to believe that Yelki was involved in the murders.
"Emre Gunaydin gave a very detailed account of his collaboration with Huseyin Yelki, which is consistent with other evidence in the court file," said Orhan Kemal Cengiz, who leads the team of plaintiff lawyers.
Plaintiff attorneys said they are hopeful that the arrests of the two men will provide important answers to many questions regarding the true identity of masterminds behind the murder. While the attorneys said they don't believe Aral and Yelki are the masterminds themselves, they hope these two men could act as links for the investigation to go higher up the chain of command.
"In my opinion, Yelki and Aral are just middle guys between the real instigators and the 'hit-men,'" said Cengiz, leader of the team of plaintiff lawyers. "Their inclusion into the court file has sparked hope inside me for the first time since the case has ever started. I hope we will be able to reach the higher links and deliver justice to them."
The next hearing in the case is scheduled to take place in Malatya on
Feb. 20.
What is this bias for? Kurdistan Workers party is not a terrorist organisation, it is a freedom fighting organsation fighting for the rights of millions of Kurds againt the fascist Turkish states policies and forceful assimilation. The Turkish state has 'murdered' 40 000 Kurds in the past 20 years and yet you call the Kurds terorrists? It is sad that the Turkish intelligence agencies have managed to penetrate the West's media.