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Paul: So how long have you been interested in bikes?

Roy: I have been a biker for 30 years. I've had more than 30 bikes; I've had all kinds of bikes, it's a very integral part of me.

Paul: It's every bikers dream to own a Harley Davidson have you had one?

Roy: I actually did have a Harley; I had two Harley's at the same time. One was 9 years old and the other was brand new. I have had the Harley experience; it's a bike in its own category. It's a bike of integrity.

Unity & Peace In Israel via A Suzuki Bandit

Paul: You work with both Palestinians and Israelis and you have a project coming up soon in Beit Jala what is that about?

Roy: We work with Israelis naturally because the bikes are here but in the Palestinian territories there are not so many bikes. We work with the Lutheran Boys Home. We are going to give the kids in the home a riding experience on the bikes. They are Christian and Moslem and we are happy to take everyone. This is a big thing for the boys; life in the Palestinian territories can be pretty boring; there's nothing to do. So this is something I'm sure they will remember for a long time.

Paul: What sort of bike are you riding at the moment?

Roy: It's a Suzuki Bandit. It's a good all round bike, a 12,000 cc. It's powerful and it's just a great bike on long trips as well as in town.

Paul: What's your prayer for people here in the Israel?

Roy: Well I think one of the most important things here is the ability to co-exist. Something we work very hard on is peace and reconciliation; that's a word which has a slight political connotation but we want to promote it genuinely. Isaiah talks about a highway coming from Egypt and everybody coming and worshipping the Lord together so that's my prayer; I pray that it would become a reality. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.