1 Kings 19:8-9

We as men hate the fact that at times we have been known to get a little lost...but it is true to say that women have the ability to get a little lost too.
In the age of sat nav that sends you up dead ends and one way streets; there in theory, shouldn't be any need to get lost but our inability to find our way around is amazing.
'So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the LORD came to him: "What are you doing here, Elijah?"' 1 Kings 19:8-9
Elijah had just had one of the best victories in the Bible when he defeated the prophets of Baal and suddenly we find him alone crying in a cave because a woman was after him. How can someone who has just had an amazing victory end up in this state?
Is it because he lost his way?
From time to time we can all lose our way in God, whether through circumstances that we are facing, through decisions that we make or a lack of discipline in our walk with God and many other reasons.
Is God asking you "what are you doing here?" If so, then ask yourself these questions:
- Am I meant to be here?
- Is this what God has for my life, now?
- If so what have I to learn from this?
- Where does God want me to be?
- Is there somewhere else I should be?
If God is asking you that question and trying to get your attention then you need to listen, learn and respond.
Whatever it is you are facing it isn't bigger than Almighty God!