Why do people persecute Christians? How should Christians respond?

How can people be so mean? Is it because they are violent and evil people? No. But that is what we want to think sometimes - so we can condemn them, so we can point the finger, so we can hate them and write them off.
What makes them do it? What makes people act so cruelly? What makes parents reject their children? What makes police beat their captives? What makes religious leaders declare war on Christians? Are they the enemy?
Well, why would you persecute someone?
What if you were a religious leader in a different religion? All these Christians pour into your country and start telling people about a different religion and stealing your flock. After all to you Christianity would sound like false teaching drawing people away from the truth.
What if you were a freedom fighter in a Guerrilla group - striving against a repressive and corrupt government? Christianity springs up amongst the towns and villages teaching people about patience and forgiveness. Now, instead of joining the fight they kneel down and pray. Christianity severely undermines your righteous cause.
What if you were a government official in a country torn by factions and armed groups. You clamp down on an area to quell the lawlessness. Then your prisoners start saying they're not terrorists at all but Christians. The news gets out and then other countries start trying to meddle in your own affairs.
What if your country had been backward and poor for many years but now it's progressing and attracting foreign money? It's been a devoutly religious country since it was founded. Now that foreign companies and investment has come in pockets of Christianity have sprung up and they threaten the national identity.
Of course it can also be power hungry people in positions of power who exploit the people. Christianity can pose a threat and they would seek to quench it at all costs before it undermines your authority.
How should Christians respond? We must act and do something - not only
does the Bible tell us to seek justice and righteousness, but our
hearts are moved to action. Sometimes we do get provoked into thinking
persecutors are evil and are the enemy. But Jesus tells us - Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you - if we love them, they
can no long be called an enemy.
i would like to do something, but there is more of them then there are of them. if we speak, bad will come