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Articles by Mal Fletcher
Bird Flu Pandemic: Just For The Birds?
We are right to take the warnings of health experts seriously. However, we are also in need of some real perspective. We simply cannot allow ourselves to be ruled by fear. [05.11.05]
Signs Of The End?
Earthquakes in Pakistan, hurricanes in the USA, tsunamis in Asia and severe droughts in Africa - the list of natural disasters bursting upon us seems almost endless. [22.10.05]
Signing Up To The European Ideal -- But What Is It?
The future & our cultural heritage [08.10.05]
What Can We Learn From Katrina?
When our 'normal' world is shaken, we have to have as our bedrock something more firm than daily routines or social networks. [23.09.05]
Africa's Jubilee Begins Right Here
Jesus came not to destroy the idea of Jubilee, but to extend the spirit of it to people in every nation. [23.08.05]
Fundamental Not Fundamentalist
One can be fundamental in faith, without taking on the heavy scowl of fundamentalism. It is vital to a life of faith that one is fundamental. But you don't have to put dogma above people - and therein lies the difference. [20.07.05]
Bombs Strike London But Won't Kill Its Spirit
London may no longer be the capital of an avowedly 'Christian' nation, but much of its culture is still built on Christian values. The terrorists' bombs may have rocked London, but they will not kill its resilient spirit. [08.07.05]
Edges: Trust
In his ongoing series Christian communicator Mal Fletcher examines some of the big issues of the day. Here Mal writes about that political and moral hot potato, trust. [12.05.05]
Edges: Blame Culture
In his TV series Edges, Christian communicator and broadcaster MAL FLETCHER examines some of the big issues of the day. Here, Mal writes about personal responsibility. If you don't like it, don't blame him... [09.03.05]
Edges: Smoking In Public
Mal Fletcher looks at the issue of smoking in public. [20.12.04]

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