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Articles by Mal Fletcher
Neknominating - Why It's Here And How To End It
Mal Fletcher comments on this dangerous new trend [12.02.14]
Don't Shoot the Marriage Messenger
Mal Fletcher comments on Sir Paul Coleridge standing down as a High Court Judge after being reprimanded for his comments in support of marriage [19.12.13]
What Nelson Mandela Taught Us: Leadership in the Great Man's Shadow
Here's Looking At You (Again)
Mal Fletcher comments on the use of CCTV cameras and Tesco's announcement that they will soon be using face detection software [09.11.13]
Bad For Our Health: A Culture Of Over-Prescribing Drugs
Mal Fletcher comments on the rise of anxiety disorders and an over-reliance on science [14.09.13]
Will Prince George Become Defender Of The Faith?
Mal Fletcher comments on the cultural and religious identity of the UK [01.08.13]
Professional Politics - Rule By Lobby Group?
Mal Fletcher comments on the need for politicians to behave in more statesmen-like ways; thinking not just of the next election but of the next generation. [16.07.13]
Why "Old" Ethics And Morality Matter To The Future
Mal Fletcher considers the growing fear in society of all things traditional [20.06.13]
New Government Bill Would Set Wolves Among The Sheep
Mal Fletcher comments on government regulation of the internet [27.04.13]
Why Schools Should Abandon Biometrics
Mal Fletcher comments on the value of privacy [09.04.13]

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