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Articles by Stephen Crosby
Let Out The Lion
Stephen Crosby comments on the effect of Christianity on society [24.06.10]
The Good Life Or The Kingdom Life
Stephen Crosby comments [16.06.09]
Discernment In A Media Age
Stephen Crosby comments [29.11.08]
What Is The Church? - Part 4
For many, the church is synonymous with irrelevancy: an archaic institution inhabited by pallid and wispy clerics, mumbling feathery platitudes to an audience of women, children, and the feeble of mind and body. [29.04.06]
What Is The Church? - Part 3
For many, the church is synonymous with irrelevancy: an archaic institution inhabited by pallid and wispy clerics, mumbling feathery platitudes to an audience of women, children, and the feeble of mind and body. [24.03.06]
What Is The Church? - Part 2
For many, the church is synonymous with irrelevancy: an archaic institution inhabited by pallid and wispy clerics, mumbling feathery platitudes to an audience of women, children, and the feeble of mind and body. [14.02.06]
What is the Church? - Part 1
For many, the church is synonymous with irrelevancy: an archaic institution inhabited by pallid and wispy clerics, mumbling feathery platitudes to an audience of women, children, and the feeble of mind and body. [12.01.06]
The Profession-Expression Gap
Christian discipleship is frequently dehumanizing and undignifying, emphasizing behavioral results over realized Christian personhood. [15.09.05]
Are You Mature or Just Nasty?
Christian maturity is defined by the relationships we maintain not the rules we keep. [12.08.05]
Loose Lions Don't Need Feeding
The 21st century believer must break out of the preaching, praying, Psalm singing ghetto of societal irrelevancy that the Church has become. We must recover the biblical mandate to bring the message of redemption's hope to all of society. [27.06.05]

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