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Articles by Andrea Williams
Christian NHS Worker Loses AppealChristian NHS Worker Loses Appeal
No freedom given to Victoria Wasteney to talk to a Muslim colleague about her faith. Andrea Williams reports. [09.04.16]
Christian Magistrate Suspended From NHS Trust
Andrea Williams reports. [02.04.16]
Vicars Soon To Be Censored For Preaching In The PulpitVicars Soon To Be Censored For Preaching In The Pulpit
Andrea Williams reports on a prison chaplain who has lost his claim after preaching on God's love and forgiveness. [19.03.16]
Christian Student Expelled From Course Over Views On MarriageChristian Student Expelled From Course Over Views On Marriage
Student expelled from Sheffield University social work course for comments on Facebook. [03.03.16]
Street Preacher Wins Appeal Against Conviction For Using 'Wrong' Bible VerseStreet Preacher Wins Appeal Against Conviction For Using 'Wrong' Bible Verse
Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Mike Overd has won his appeal against a public order conviction for using the 'wrong' Bible verse in public. [15.12.15]
Victory For Pro-life Campaigner In Harassment Battle
Andrea Williams reports on the judge overturning the conviction of a prominent pro-life campaigner. [02.07.15]
Appeal Refused In 'Bus Ad' Case
Andrea Williams reports on the Court of Appeal refusing permission to appeal 'Banned London Bus Advert' case. [23.06.15]
Christian Worker Wins Employment Tribunal CaseChristian Worker Wins Employment Tribunal Case
Andrea Williams reports on the Employment Tribunal case over homosexual targeting claim [16.06.15]
High Court Grants Permission For Assisted Suicide ChallengeHigh Court Grants Permission For Assisted Suicide Challenge
Andrea Williams reports on the progress made by Nikki and Merv Kenward who are seeking a Judicial Review. [01.05.15]
Judge Orders £25,000 Costs Against Christian Pro-life CampaignerJudge Orders £25,000 Costs Against Christian Pro-life Campaigner
Andrea Williams reports [14.04.15]

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