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John Smith: Final Reflection - Belief in today's society
In a godless society people don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything observes Australian apologist John Smith. [01.02.96]
Glenn Kaiser: Talkin' Straight - The Chicago-based pastor looks at the need for balance
In this age of religious insularity and Christian personality cults we urgently need to develop balance says GLENN KAISER, senior pastor at Chicago's Jesus people USA and founder member of the Resurrection Band. [01.02.96]
John Smith: Final Reflection - The sense of the sacred
What are the consequences of the 20th century losing its sense of the sacred? Australian Bible teacher JOHN SMITH ponders why our society is out of control. [01.12.95]
Glenn Kaiser: Talkin' Straight - The Chicago-based pastor ponders the Christian music industry
Christian music - is it a ministry or an industry? GLENN KAISER, senior pastor at Chicago's Jesus People USA and founder member of the Resurrection Band, digs deep. [01.12.95]
Chris Cole FRSAChris Cole: The Militant Chequebook
In the wake of the news that Cross Rhythms has had to pull out of its planned link with Liverpool's Crossfire festival, Cross Rhythms Chief Executive Chris Cole takes a look at the whole thorny subject of financial accountability. [01.12.95]
John SmithJohn Smith: Final Reflection - Hiding moral irresponsibility behind slogans
Although the mass media is prone to pontificate about "objectivity" and "editorial balance", in reality such slogans often hide moral irresponsibility, writes John Smith. [01.10.95]
Glenn KaiserGlenn Kaiser: Talkin' Straight - The Chicago-based pastor looks at "spiritual experience"
With so much talk about the Toronto Blessing, how are we to understand spiritual experience? GLENN KAISER, senior pastor at Chicago's Jesus People USA and founder member of the Resurrection Band, explores the need to "balance Toronto". [01.10.95]
John Smith: Final Reflection - Rediscovering old truths
We live in a world where everybody has opinions but few are prepared to think. We need to rediscover old truths, writes John Smith. [01.08.95]
Glenn KaiserGlenn Kaiser: The Chicago-based pastor looks at missionary culture
Senior pastor at Chicago's Jesus People USA and founder member of the Resurrection Band, GLENN KAISER examines the "missionary culture". [01.08.95]
John SmithFinal Reflection: John Smith - The Christian worldview
If we are ever to develop a Christian worldview we need to avoid obsessively championing single issues writes John Smith. [01.06.95]

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