Luke 10:25-37
Luke 10:25-37. Parable of The Good Samaritan
One of the things we say in our church every week is, 'every day this week, expect God to do something through your life that touches and impacts someone else's life.'
We want to live with a constant expectation and readiness that God is going to work through our lives. He loves to give us opportunities that will lead people to Christ, see people healed, meet practical needs etc.
Everyday there are miracles waiting to happen, things that God wants to do in people's lives through you and me. All He is looking for is someone who is willing and available for Him to do them through.
Many Christians would like God to work through them but how much do we really want Him to? Are we prepared for our schedules and lifestyle to be interrupted, changed or even re-ordered to serve Him and others?
Let's have a look at a well known parable, The Good Samaritan, and see how Jesus shows us how we can see someone else's life changed.
A man is on a journey, he gets attacked, beaten up and is left for dead. First, a priest (leader) sees the man but crosses the road and walks by on the other side. Second, a Levite (religious person/believer) sees the man, but he also crosses the road and walks by on the other side. Why didn't they stop? Maybe fear of being attacked themselves or too busy with their own schedules.
Then a Samaritan (not seen to be religious or spiritual) sees the man but has a totally different response. Like the others, he was on his way somewhere, he was busy and had things to do but something different was happening in him.
First, he saw the man, the need. Then he felt, had compassion on him. Then he went to him and bandaged the wounds (cared for immediate need). Then, he put the man on his own donkey (used his own car/possessions) and took the man and gave him shelter (a place to stay) and cared for him. Others got involved to help. The next day the Samaritan came back and covered the costs.
The first two people had the same opportunity for a miracle but they walked by. The Samaritan had the same opportunity but responded.
Jesus shows us some very simple and practical steps in how to love people, meet their need and see them healed or changed.
Who is your miracle today or this week?
Make yourself available by asking God to give you opportunities today. He knows what you can handle and where to start.
Have a life changing week!
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.