Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Philippians 2:5-7, Luke 3:23, Exodus 2:21-25, Exodus 3:1-10, Revelation 3:15-16
Howard Drummond reflects on the importance of not rushing life.
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Time gives us the opportunity to live out what's been put in and what God wants to put in. Time allows for the additional herbs and spices to be added and the oils to be rubbed in, so that we get to encounter the full flavour of what is being prepared.
If all we do is hear sermons and read scriptures, how do we know it really works until we get in the game? Only after our faith has been tested, (with doors slammed in our face and prayers seemingly not answered), will we fight to give thanks in everything.
Only then, do we know what we believe. If we think we're ready before it's time, we could fumble the ball so bad it could take generations to recover. When you walk with God, instead of running ahead, you don't lose your temper as fast, walk out on others as quick, or fall into sin as easy.
The last thing a hungry world needs is to keep running into cold Christians. So this leads me to ask a question. Are you hot or cold? Are you lukewarm? Jesus asks this all important question, (Revelation 3:15-16), like he asks many important questions. Just as a judge will ask poignant questions in a case in order to come to a verdict or pass sentence, the Bible asks us fundamental questions to which we have to give an answer.
Are you managing your time to discover your purpose? Are you continuing to discover what season you may be in, or what season you may be coming out of?
We may feel that time is against us, like there are not enough hours in the day, but time isn't your enemy. Time is a gift from God. Time is a valuable commodity. Time is a healer. Time can be your friend in those all-important challenges and questions. Time is the difference between an instant microwave dinner, and the patience of waiting for a slow cooked dinner from mother or grandmother.
Just as mother or grandmother takes the time to cook a great meal, let
us marinade in the presence of God to gain the full benefit of what he
wants to give us and is preparing for us to do, because as we know it
does take time.