Psalm 13, 1 Peter 1:6-7

Howard Drummond considers how we handle the difficult seasons in life

Continued from page 1

I believe David complains in such a way that he doesn't complain and turn into the angry green giant, but he reasons with God. David wrestles with this notion. David makes every attempt to reason with God and not point the finger at God. At times we can point the finger at God, get angry and may even blame God for the season we are experiencing.

God may not answer straight away. He may for a time hide himself, or not enlighten our eyes. Although to us this may seem like he's abandoned us, God knows exactly what He's doing.

In his ARGUING with God it stirs his prayer life.

If we feel abandoned by God, then we are to pray for the Holy Spirit. In David's case he requested for his eyes to be enlightened and his faith to be strengthened; eventually getting to a time of praise and worship and affirming God. We may ask God to give us peace or patience.

We know there are four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, but there are many seasons in life and every season with God teaches us something.

  • teaches us something about him

  • communicates something of his faithfulness towards us

  • tells us something about his love in sending his Son

  • demonstrates his power and strength

Ask yourself this question: How is God directing me in the season of life I am in right now? CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.