Genesis 3:9, Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Continued from page 1
The Demonizing of Growing Churches
It's amazing how I was conditioned to do this. Now looking back it was so wrong. What happens is that to justify the lack of 'success/growth/achievement' one simply sees others, who are having a significant impact as a threat, and so demonize them. They must be doing something wrong so phrases like, 'It's man made', ' It's so fake', 'It's manipulative', 'I know a guy who used to go there and he says...' and so on. I was so guilty of this for many a year in a previous life and now simply recognise it as a sign that the church was dying. Listen - ALL HEALTHY THINGS GROW!
COMBAT IT: Begin to celebrate the success of others. Speak highly of people and the great things that are happening around the nation. All it will do is eat you up inside and it definitely won't stop the success of others... In fact, from my experience they will grow even faster as God begins to do a work in you. You reap what you sow - if you want success then celebrate other people's successes.
The Loyalty To 'Pastor' Because Of History Not Future
A lot of people talk of sheep stealing but I now realise this is a falsehood. Sheep stealing doesn't exist but SHEEP KEEPING is a reality that is a sure sign of death in a church. When a church leader uses fear of the unknown, history, or be planted and you'll prosper phraseology then SHEEP KEEPING is occurring. A dying church keeps people because they feel bad about leaving. I was in a situation for a long time. Listen, loyalty to death leads to death... planted in an unfruitful soil leads to... well you get the idea.
COMBAT IT: Have the conversation. Say what needs to be said. Understand that you don't 'have to' do anything, you are free to 'choose to'. Leave. Stay. It's your call but make the decision because you have made the decision. Choice is linked to life. Deuteronomy 30:19-20 says, 'Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.'
The Second Row Struggle
This, for me, is the ultimate sign that a church is dying. When those in the second row are frustrated; when the young people are bored but disguise it with being spiritual; when the associates/youth pastors/second tier leaders are trying to bring the change... then it's over! What this shows is that the leaders are on top and not in front. I say this, aware of potential criticism, but I am more passionate about this than any of my critics realise. I have experienced it and I have scores of second tier leaders from around the nation talking to me on this subject. Change does not come from the second row. For years I would say, 'Serve, stick in there' to many a second tier leader who are now not in church because of burnout, frustration, bust up and alike. This is a sure sign of death.
COMBAT IT: Second tier leader - have the honest conversation with your senior. Then commit to serve and lay aside your frustrations or leave. The church will never go the way you want it to go... it's not your responsibility! Your Senior Pastor is responsible, not you; so either serve his vision diligently or leave, otherwise division, disharmony, and discord will follow. It is that simple.
In conclusion, I recognise that I may have stirred a hornet's nest but I have lived both sides of the fence and am passionate that the elephant question must be asked if you are to be helped in your time of need...
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