Galatians 6:9
Jeff Cutts reflects on what well doing is, what can make us grow weary and how to combat it.

'So let's not grow tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.' Galatians 6:9
What a challenge! What an encouragement! These words were written to the church in Galatia, Turkey and to you and me. When it says, 'do not grow tired in doing good', this might be explained as remaining strong in who God has made you to be, and being energetic in living in the new life He has given you.
The 'doing what is good' can also be understood by looking at what the Bible calls the fruit of the Spirit, which is listed in the chapter before this challenge. The 'doing what is good' can be many things; it is showing love, it is finding joy in God despite our circumstances; receiving and displaying God's peace; being patient and letting our words and actions to others be kind.
Doing what is good is allowing goodness to rule our character, being gentle to all, remaining faithful in what God has asked of you or called you to, and it is being self-controlled. These are character traits that God calls us to grow in and become mature in as we walk with Him.
We can grow weary for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes we find ourselves questioning whether it is worth it when living well or our 'well doing' is challenged, or taken for granted. Tiredness can sap us of our enthusiasm and literally make us weary in our well doing. Disappointment can also hinder us from well doing, especially if we feel we have given a lot and see little in return. Betrayal may have a similar effect and difficulties and challenges may shake our confidence and even cause us to retreat.
This encouragement to not grow weary in doing the right things, is given to us as it was to the Galatian church, because it is a common challenge we will all face at one time or another, and it is good to be honest with ourselves, with God and with others. If we recognise that we are growing weary or becoming jaded or even resentful we can do something about it.
One verse we can take confidence in says, 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.' Perhaps this is something you can rely on today if you are feeling weary because of difficulties, or a lack of confidence.
Here are two other quick thoughts to help us:
How do you feel about going the extra mile? Jesus said if someone asks you to go one mile for them, to travel two. This can be a challenge, but sometimes we may have to do something we don't particularly like and 'go the extra mile' with someone. This will be doing what is good, and God's promise is that at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.
Another thing the Bible talks about is Sabbath rest. Are you overdoing things? Do you find it impossible to say "no"? Even Jesus took time to be alone, to rest, to pray and recharge. God gives seasons of rest to us so we do not burn out. Do you need to find that time? If so make it a priority. Then, refreshed, go on not growing tired of doing what is good.
At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing because we
don't give up.