Isaiah 55:1-3

'Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink - even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk - it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen, and I will tell you where to get food that is good for the soul! Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake.' Isaiah 55:1-3
Here's a good question, why spend money and effort on things that do not satisfy us? Why chase after something with such energy when at the end of the day we are not fulfilled? We are busy people with busy lives, and endless appetites and needs and bills, but let's not lose God's perspective. Let's spend a few minutes reflecting on this question and God's answer!
It has been said that there is a 'God shaped hole' within every human being that nothing can fill other than God Himself. Sure, we try to fill the hole with all kinds of pleasures, achievements and relationships etc, but at the end we find we are not really satisfied, it leaves us thirsty and unfulfilled. When God says 'come here everyone who is thirsty, come and drink.' He is talking about fulfilling that deepest need within us.
I heard of a man who was asked about what he was doing with his life, he said he was studying hard to gain his degree so he would be able to get a good job...'and then what?' was the question that followed. The man explained he'd then work hard in his good job to get a good income...'and then what?' again was the question. Well, a nice house and car and widescreen TV...'and then what?'...a beautiful wife, some children, pet dog, a promotion...'and then what?' He'd rise to senior management and more money, looking forward to wealth, retirement, a life of ease. Each answer was met with the same frustrating question, 'and then what?' The final answer as the man goes through his life's plan is, 'Well, I'll die of course!!' - which is still met with the same question, 'And then what?'
We have many needs that are temporary, but we all have one eternal need for this Soul Food that God is offering - God Himself
God is saying Come and drink! At some time in our lives we must realise our need and see that what we hunger and thirst for can't be satisfied without having God first fill our lives. Take a look inside yourself now - can you find fullness, peace, love and hope? Or, if you are really honest do you find empty space - a longing for peace, longing for love and hope? Space that you know nothing else will fill.
God says "Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake." (Isaiah 55:3)
God speaks to us like this so that we can respond to Him in some way. He will not force His way into that space within us, but He will accept an invitation. We choose whether or not we open ourselves to Him.
So receive from Him freely!! This response, to believe God and receive from Him will fill that emptiness, the God shaped hole within.
This response is by no means the end, but the beginning of new life in Him. We will still have busy lives, appetites and needs. Don't think that it is a quick fix to life's problems; it is not a guarantee that we will never feel pain or disappointment. However there is the sure knowledge that in every circumstance I find myself I know I am not alone, I know God is with me and He gives me strength, peace, joy, and all I need to weather every storm and enjoy every good time that life brings.
Even if you have invited God into your life and are a follower of Jesus, there is always the encouragement to go on being filled with the Holy Spirit, always more that we can receive from Him. We need to keep God's perspective of fulfillment and keep a healthy thirst for Him!
So come if you are thirsty, ask God Himself to fill that hole, respond
to Him today and be fulfilled!