1 Timothy 1: 12-17
I was sat at my computer today, typing this really important document for the boss when I got carried away and managed to insert this great big block of text that totally ruined what I had done. Thank goodness for the undo button!
Suddenly it hit me, God has the ultimate undo button, His forgiveness. Great hey!!!
Every second of everyday millions of people make mistakes and sin. Many come to God for forgiveness and He is always ready to press that button for each of us.
Let's take Saul (St Paul) as a perfect example, he was a Roman who persecuted Christians all across the Roman Empire. One day whilst on the "road to Damascus" the undo button was pressed by Jesus. All of Saul's mistakes and sin was forgiven, and God used him to spread the Good News of the Gospel far and wide. Check out Acts 9: 1-30. Paul went on to write more than half the books in the New Testament.
So what makes you think He won't use you??
Remember, whatever you've done that you think is so terrible or how unworthy you feel of God's call on your life, all you need to do is say SORRY and His forgiveness could change your life around.
Sounds to good to be true??
Well, it's not easy, but it is simple, all you need to do is trust!
Ask God today for the trust you need to receive His forgiveness.
Let Him " undo" for you.