John 13:1-17, Matthew 4:18-20, 1Peter 5:2-7, Matthew 25:40

I want you get a bigger picture of who this God really when I say big I mean really big. I want to stretch your imagination to the limit, cos' surely that's what God does. He is greater than we can imagine, bigger than we can comprehend.... but He choose to show us who He is.... so let's have a closer look.
In the Roman times, when Jesus was born, God's people (called the Jews) were waiting for God to send a rescue plan - a Messiah. Now they thought this Messiah geezer was going to sort out all their problems and deliver them. They thought he'd be SUPER human and it was his job was to nail the Romans (who were oppressing the Jews) and to save them all and put the world right!!.... a lot like a SUPER HERO.... SUPER MESSIAH if you will!!
So the scene is set. The Romans (baddies) are doing the heads in of the Jews (goodies) and they're getting well annoyed. The Jews are praying to their God that he will come and save them with Mr. SUPER MESSIAH whilst quietly and with no-one but a few farm animals and some peasants watching - Jesus was born in a stable....not quite the heroic entry they were waiting for!!
So Jesus grows up, under the watchful eye of his parents who are amongst the few who realise that he is no ordinary boy!!
Now I think at this point it is best to start following the story of one particular guy who met this Jesus....he's called Peter. So check this, Peter has grown up in a Jewish school so he knows all about this SUPER MESSIAH that everyone is waiting for. Unfortunately he didn't pass the exams to stay on at school and learn from the rabbi (teacher) so he became a fisherman. And one day he's doing his fishy job, when all of a suddenly a guy appears on the shore and says 'Come follow me' (see Matthew 4:18-20). Suddenly Peter realised that this was the guy he'd been taught about and immediately he leaves his nets and follows Jesus. So Peter was expecting something pretty awesome from this guy. perhaps he'd start a war, or crush the Romans with his super little finger....but Peter learnt a lot!
Yes in many way Jesus was the super hero, SUPER MESSIAH in the way that he did awesome things.... he turned water into wine, he calmed storms, he helped Peter walk on water, he fed thousands of people with some bread and fish, he healed people, he even healed Peter's mother in law!!. He did many SUPER things. But interestingly enough this still didn't help Peter totally understand who Jesus really was. It was only until Jesus started becoming the SUPER SERVANT that Peter began to truly realise what was happening. Let's look at John 13:1-17. Jesus is hanging out with his mates having a meal when he got up, took a towel and some water and went to wash his mate's feet - the job a servant would do. Now I need to mention something here - washing your mates feet in this modern age isn't exactly a great pass time, but when this took place people wore open toe sandals and walked around in dust, dirt and camel poo! So, would you be up for washing those kinds of feet? Not likely. But here Jesus takes on the job of the lowest of the low and goes to wash Peter's feet. Now Peter, who thinks Jesus is the SUPER MESSIAH, is utterly disgusted and point blank refuses to let Jesus wash his feet!! To which Jesus replies 'Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.' This is well interesting because here Jesus is saying yes I am the Messiah you have been waiting for, but I have also come to serve you and I will eventually lay down my life for you, unless you let me do this you won't understand who I am. This is mega shocking to Peter. The tables have turned and Jesus is no longer just SUPER MESSIAH he is SUPER SERVANT!
And this is the message that Peter takes with him to the grave. Not
only does he see Jesus as the great over-comer and the one who will
make all things right, but He is also the great servant. In one of his
books in the Bible Peter writes this (1 Peter 5: 2-7):
shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as
overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God
wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to
serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being
examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will
receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.'
And that's what we need to know too. Yes Jesus will bring miracles into our lives and great things will happen in His name, but let us not forget He came to serve and so should we.... be eager to serve as Jesus was - SUPER MESSIAH and SUPER SERVANT. Yes pray for miracles and ask Jesus to do amazing things in your life, but don't forget to serve for Jesus himself said 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40).
How about reading the following and see in depth how Peter's
relationship with Jesus unfolded, check out - Matthew 16:13-20,
Matthew 16:21-28, Mt 26:31-75, John 21:1-25.