Luke 9: 23-26

Here's a massive challenge for you to achieve. Its not easy, it may be
the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, but it's a neccesity if you
want to follow Jesus.
Jesus has been speaking to me about
this, this year, and now, everyday its a challenge that's on my mind,
especially first thing in the morning. If I want to follow God and
live for Him, my desires, my ways, my self have to go. I have to die
to self.
"If anyone desires to come after Me," is the
opening line, which says whosoever you may be, if you want to be my
disciple/Christian/follower here's what you have to do ...
let him Deny himself
and take up his cross daily
follow me
I am called to follow Him and to lose my life,
not necessarily in a physical sense but in a laying down of my will.
The problem I face is I have been building up my life and my self for
28 years and now I am being asked to put Him first, sacrifice daily
for Him and follow His teaching, His ways.
I think most
Christians want it all ways, we want to see God move in power in our
lives and yet we want to do our own thing as well - it cannot work
this way.
He goes on to say if you desire to save your
life (to follow your own selfish ambition) you will lose it, but
whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.
level of sacrifice is the acid test of whether Jesus is really Lord
and King of our life or whether we're just playing at it.
I urge you today to reconsider your choices and to make Him Lord of
your life, so that He can minister where He needs to, to you and
others. (If you go left when He says right, you don't know who may not
receive from God today because of your disobedience, choose to go His
Bottom line is, the call to be a disciple is one of
losing your life to save it.